I had just started a new relationship and while we’re still trying to figure out each other, time of intimacy struggle a bit with how he can’t last long nor keep it up. I’ve never dealt with this issue before with a guy nor have a lot of knowledge why this happens so it’s hard to understand fully what’s happening. To note also he is in his mid 30’s so I don’t know weather that have to play as a factor. I’m just not sure what to do or feel on my end, I like him a lot already but I feel like this has to do with me (he saids it doesn’t) but I’m not really sure how to satisfy myself with this kind of issue.

  1. My ex had that same issue when we first got together and he was in his early 30’s too. The age has nothing to do with it. Males of that age are still very much capable and willing. The issue disappeared once we became a couple a few months down the line.

    I never brought it up, we never discussed it, until a year into our relationship when he actually mentioned it himself and admitted he was utterly anxious when we first got together. He felt so strongly for me and wanted me so bad, that he became extremely self-aware and couldn’t get it up. Once he felt secure and appreciated, there were no more issues whatsoever. A compliment, if anything!

    I can’t know for sure whether it’s the same issue with your guy, but I would try to make him feel loved. Give it some time and see if that works out. In 8 out of 10 times in a fresh relationship, the root of such issues is mental/emotional and less physical.

  2. He should excersize and have a healthy diet, eat foods that increase testosterone, do research which foods increase or lower, same with excercizes, do not watch porn, use a cockring if needed. Whitin a few months there should be a improvement, If not maybe he could get some more info or medication from a doctor if needed.

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