Tell me your stories that are similar to the “Notebook” or in “When Harry met Sally” where you got back together some time later and realized it was meant to be. What happened in your specific situation to make you get back together?

  1. Current fiancé and I met a little bit ago and had instant sparks on our first date. We both were just coming out of divorce/LTR. We both didn’t want to jump into something intense but we’re open to seeing where things went, go with the flow and enjoy each others company.

    We had the most absolutely amazing time dating for approx 3 months and then he freaked out when I asked if we were exclusive/official. He was scared because he wanted to but couldn’t get past feeling like he had to date others since he was in a relationship for so long. As if he found me perfect for him but wanted to meet me maybe 6 months into the future. I tried hard in those 3 months to not be clingy and ask about commitment but after spending so much time together and already agreeing we were only sleeping together I just could not move on if he wouldn’t fully commit to a relationship with me. I mean we did everything as if we already were!

    Well I accepted it graciously but told him he was making a mistake. I told him feelings like this don’t happen often and I knew our intense connection was mutual.
    I asked him to please leave and then 2 days later he called and asked to please come see me. I was a wreck for those 2 days. As I later found out, he was too.

    Long story short we are getting married soon! People do sometimes make mistakes, and sometimes those mistakes can’t be unmade but when it aligns it can be amazing.

    Never thought I would say this but thank you tinder!

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