Meant to say “underrated traditional dish”. Oops

  1. Tri tip is under appreciated. Many places cut it into sirloin steaks. Keep it as a whole roast and it is delicious.

  2. ***Chicken fried steak and eggs with hashbrowns*** is on basically every menu at every single non-fast food restaurant that serves breakfast in my part of the country, and it’s always there for a reason. It is an amazing meal and it’s really difficult to come across a version of it that isn’t at least *pretty good*.

    From what I’ve seen on various “X nationality tries Y” type videos though, I think our most well kept culinary secret weapon in terms of things people from other countries aren’t familiar with but would love if they tried it would almost certainly have to be ***Pecan Pie***. Seems like the vast majority of people who try it are amazed at how crazy delicious and absurdly decadent it is, especially considering how odd it looks and the uninteresting sounding name it has.

  3. Gumbo was created when Acadians, who were forcibly removed from the maritime provinces of Canada by the British during the great expulsion, met and befriended Native Americans in Louisiana. Gumbo comes from the Choctaw word Kombo which is ground sassafras leaves and is still used in the dish today. As a Native American dish, it was corn based. Influenced by French cooking techniques, it evolved into what it is today.

  4. I feel like when people ask us about American food, everyone goes straight to the savory foods and skip over drinks and home baked goods. Which is too bad, because we kick ass at both.

    There’s a lot of options, but I’m gonna go with strawberry shortcake. Very popular summer dessert in America and it’s awesome with in season strawberries. It uses a sweetened variation of American biscuits, which deserve to be highlighted both on their own and as part of several other traditional American dishes.

  5. American biscuits, the wonderful things we do with okra and sweet potatoes, the sheer variety of pies.

    I think almost all of non-fast food U.S. cuisine is underrated/unknown abroad.

  6. Is grilled cheese and Tomato soup American? Because that shit never disappoints

  7. There’s a whole wide variety of soul food that I don’t think gets as much attention/respect as it deserves. Fried Okra, Macaroni n cheese, even fried chicken and cornbread are kind of dismissed as “cuisine” even if people love eating them.

  8. Honestly, meatloaf. It’s pretty fantastic and everyone eats it here, except the people who don’t eat meat.

  9. Italian beef

    It’s a shame that it’s not even popular across the whole US

  10. The cuisine here is very regional, so what’s “traditional” in one part of the country, is “exotic” in another. Chimichangas are “Traditional” in the Southwest, but a cheese plate with smoked gouda and fried whitefish is “exotic” in the southwest. Flip it around for the Upper Midwest.

  11. BBQ – I’m talking about slow and low, cooking with indirect heat, and using smoke as a seasoning.

    It’s those cuts of meats than nobody really wanted because they were low quality that really turn into something wonderful when smoked.

    There’s enough variations in rubs, sauces, how they get applied, the wood used, and the meats that each region known for BBQ prefers that you could spend a lot of time in delicious exploration.

  12. Any variation of a Philly cheesesteak. I wanted to do bbq, but technically bbq does not have American origins even though the sauce sure does.

    Also free water at restaurants/dining establishments, very underrated.

  13. Strawberry shortcake. Many cultures have a version of this but American style shortcake biscuits with macerated berries and sweet whipped cream is just about the closest thing to heaven on earth for me.

  14. A lot of our cuisine is adapted from our melting pot of cultures. But the Club Sandwich is an American original and a fucking good one at that.

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