As in, the one who gets the belt at the end of a fighting tournament.

Also, which one would be the first to be eliminated?

  1. It’s gonna come down to Ryann, who is black and had a rough childhood, or Karina who has a black belt in Tae Kwon Do.

    Hmmm… Probably Ryann. I’ve seen her scrap a couple times and she will fuck you up.

  2. My wife would kick their butts, she is strong, a former athlete and way younger that the other women.

  3. My right hand is alot stronger then my left, so the answer is my right hand

  4. Probably either my exwife, who I’ve seen lay out another woman or my last girlfriend who just has that don’t fuck with me vibe. Plus they both have some size on the rest

  5. My wife would likely destroy all of my previous gf’s. She’s by far the fittest and most aggressive.

  6. I’ve dated a polyamorous Wiccan, a bipolar feminist, a kickboxer, a captain in the Army, and a “semi-professional” BDSM cosplayer.

    Tickets start at $40.

  7. My wife for sure. She’s definitely not looking over my shoulder and I’m certainly not afraid of her beating me up.

  8. Probably my rebound fling after my virginity-loss relationship ended its inevitable, completely predictable, but pretty painful end. So, the second girl I ever saw naked up close.

    She was pretty hardcore into scholastic athletics at the time. Her parents’ house was filled with trophies and photos of her in her various sports uniforms.

    Most of the women I’ve dated have been involved in some kind of athletic activity, but usually on a casual, have-fun-and-stay-fit basis. I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t survive going toe to toe with an *actual athlete* like her.

    (Marginally relevant side note: She actively joked about kicking the ass of the girl I lost my virginity to, but never went through with it. I mean, she was my rebound fling at a moment when I was still in a lot of pain and still felt very betrayed, so of course I mentioned the story to her once or twice.)

  9. The Asian one believe it or not. She was marvellously thick and could probably throw down better than the rest who are all quite skinny.

  10. Current gf would win. She spent her childhood living in the ghetto and was taught self survival by her parents from the moment she was born because they didn’t live the most law abiding life.

  11. My wife.

    Because if you get into a fight with my wife, you’re in a fight with me. Gives her an unfair advantage.

  12. Not saying names, but I dated a white girl, a Filipino girl, and 2 Hawaiian girls. I’d have to go with one of the Hawaiian girl cuz they got hands đź’€

  13. Hard to say since all of my exes aren’t the most combative and are pretty passive. My most recent ex has the most fighting spirit and the time we put on gloves to spare, her skill level was sloppy but it’s something

  14. Matthew 24:22

    Unless those days had been cut short, no life would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short.

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