How do you view short shorts and people who wear them?

  1. Love them on women, hate them on guys. Though, you don’t see short shorts all that often these days.

  2. Love them on women, for obvious reasons. They look a little weird on guys, but I wouldn’t fuck with a badass-looking dude wearing so-called “ranger panties” (military-issue physical training shorts, which are pretty frickin’ short for men’s shorts).

  3. If you look good in them, more power to ya. And yes, I’m most likely going to check you out.

  4. Beige shorts and grey logo-free t-shirt with sneakers or flip-flops is standard issue uniform for those of us in or approaching middle age.

    Wear it with pride.

  5. I instantly judge anyone who wears them as someone who felt like wearing short shorts on this day. The shorts themselves I view as clothing item.

  6. Seems like most people who wear short shorts shouldn’t actually be wearing short shorts. So if you’re not large and round, I approve of short shorts.

  7. On girls, it’s a given. On dudes, I think short shorts looks way better than knee length or longer shorts. Long “shorts” (what an oxymoron) makes a dude look shorter with stubby legs. I wonder why the subreddit bot kept removing your question saying it’s a frequently asked question… probably cuz there’s so many damn insecure people worried if their physical height is too “short”…

  8. Acceptable on men only if you’re a long distance runner. Otherwise, an abomination.

    Edit: Tho if you’re ridiculously good looking, then you can wear whatever. Like always.

  9. It’s hot unless they’re like super ripped and bleached those are a little cheesy imo. But if she’s hot idc what she wears tbh. The cloths come off haha

  10. Don’t get angry if I take a look, cuz you can’t complain when you let your buttcheeks say hi to strangers.

  11. Ide say cute if you can wear it well

    I myself am absolutely NOT one of those people who would wear it well lol

  12. I wear them all the time at home and love them. Soffe’s and ranger panties are comfortable as all get out. And it allows my legs to tan up higher.

  13. As much as I like looking at women wearing them. Every time I see an overweight person in general squeeze their flabby things with the cottage cheese arsw having out, I’m compelled to walk back home and hide under my bed sheets.

  14. Honestly, the most short shorts I see are worn by literal 13-15 year old girls who just don’t seem to have any self-esteem. I could be minding my own business and they try to hit on me to prank me, and I tell them the exact same every time: “If you would stop being so dumb and actually start valuing yourself, you’d have a great chance to go out with a guy.”


    they always wear it. You’re underage of course older men will look at you fucking hell.

    I could rant about it all day.

  15. Just clothes, and what a person chooses to wear is nothing to do with me. My reaction is my problem.

  16. I see them as a kindred spirit as my entire life male shorts have gotten longer and longer until my last swimsuit was basically women’s capris down to my calves. I just can’t handle that anymore, its just too much, so as a reaction I wear shorts and swimsuits that are “only” a scandalously short 12 inches long or so. Not exactly a speedo LOL. Although I’m athletic enough I could rock that.

    I just can’t handle wearing a “male burka” anymore aka shorts that go well past my knees. When I see a dude on a 100+ degree day barely exposing his ankles and (gasp!) half his calves I just can’t handle wearing something like that anymore.

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