How much of your interest in a significant other is sexual in nature?

  1. 5-10%

    I’ve been married a super long time now but my interest in my husband has always been, first and foremost, in his intelligence and his passion for what he does every day.

  2. I don’t feel like that can be quantified. At least, not in the way you’re asking.


    What I mean is that my affection for my girlfriend is not a pie chart. I like to be in a romantic relationship where I can have sex with my partner periodically, but we’re long-distance, so frequency is obviously not a dealbreaker for me.

    More like a switch than a pie chart. Affection for me goes “on” or “off” depending on the person. It doesn’t go “75% like to talk to you, 10% like to sit quietly with you, 15% like to have sex with you”

  3. Quite a lot to be honest, my sexual drive is 1000% all the time, I just do a good job hiding it, I’d say like 50% interest in sex, 50% interest in the person itself as a human.

  4. I would say about 10%. Feels higher in the beginning, of course. For me, the bulk of the sexual attraction is based largely on all the other components of them as a human being.

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