I’m kind of at a loss. I understand that he’s scared since his dad was a father at 17, same age as he is now, but I know I’ll miss the sex. We also always use a condom but that doesn’t always work, so we decided to just do hand and mouth stuff for the time being. This is mainly just a rant because I’m tired of the government being in the way of my life.

  1. Depending on how much time you’re talking about I too would be very pissed.

  2. Frankly, better safe than sorry. I would be equally uneasy about a single form of contraception, especially given your ages.

  3. We did almost exclusively oral for 14 years to avoid pregnancy. Neither one of us like condoms and she only comes with oral anyway. She had side effects from the pill so we just did it that way. We didn’t have intercourse on the reg until she had a hysterectomy.

  4. That’s a valid choice, but y’all do know that there are multiple forms of contraception, and that you can use multiple. They don’t even have to be hormonal.

    I’m not knocking head, or a nice old fashioned. Just saying there are options in the modern era.

  5. Walmart sells contraceptive gel inserts called vcf. That’s what my partner and I use.

  6. With our current SCOTUS they can and are. Everyone said forever Roe V Wade was safe. Welcome to the new fascist America

  7. This could be a good opportunity to start manually tracking your menstrual cycle, and understanding your ovulation cycle. There’s lots of videos on YouTube from board certified gynecologists that explain how to track your menstrual cycle and ovulation cycle, and that can allow you to know when the best (and not best) times to have sex is.

  8. Im all for abortion rights and have had abortions myself but you should be using more than just condoms at this age if you dont intend to have kids with this person right now. Take it from someone who had no business having the kids she had. Abortion isnt just oh oops here lemme fix that. It takes a massive physical and emotional toll on you and your partner. get on one of the many options of bc. he can get a vasectomy which is reversible if he wants to do his part. Have plan b on hand. Learn to track your cycle and know the physical signs of you ovulating or about to start your period. People shouldnt be having sex all casual with condoms as their only means of bc. Sex makes babies and babies are for forever. If you dont want babies then protect yourself with more than a thin piece of latex and dont rely on having rights to an extremely invasive procedure as your end all be all of if you have safe sex or not.

  9. Vote. Vote to keep your government out of your bedroom. It’s the only way this changes.

  10. I agree with his choice. Look at it this way: at least he found a middle ground. Just yesterday there was a post here in which the girl, at 18, decided after ONE DAY at church camp that she’ll not have sex till marriage, which would normally be after college, 5+ years later.

  11. I have always been pro abortion….back when the anti- abortion crowd was tiny…. I watched as the limit went from 15 to 20 to 30 weeks and as the weeks increased so did the opposition

    Suddenly the pro-abortion crowd started talking about abortions the day before birth and even after the baby was born……and that is when they lost me as a supporter

    Hopefully one day we all can go back to a day when abortions were all done before the 20th week… Anything longer than 5 MONTHS is politically motivated

  12. It makes me so sad to see that a political decision was made, that causes insecurities and fear in a huge part of the population, that has the potential to ruin lifes and makes it way harder for young people to develope their sexuality in a healthy and modern way.

    If some is looking for alternatives: europe is hiring https://www.make-it-in-germany.com/en/

  13. Move. This is a real danger to you. It isn’t going away any time soon. It you know people who live in a state with reproductive rights, start making arrangements. Of not, just pick a blue state with abortion rights in the law, and move there. This is not an overreaction. Make plans. Look for employment.

  14. My(62M) wife (47F) is scared shitless over this.

    She recently had surgery and they could not administer a drug unless she had a negative pregnacy test, she was only minutes away from surgery. Her illness had shut down her urinary tract and the little she could piss had been recently in her hospital room. After an hour I told the doctor I have ED, we have only have shared oral sex for the last few years. He threw his hands up, told the nurse to overide on his authority that he had heard enough.

    Twenty years ago I was tested and I had a low sperm count (measles), children were never even considered between us. I have told her I have no problem getting a vasectomy, in truth I wish I had decades ago.

  15. Oral and manual sex are sex.

    You may be missing out on a beloved sex act, but it sounds like you will still be having plenty of sex.

    This isn’t mere pendantry. Viewing “sex” and “PiV” as synonymous and all other forms of sex as substandard is inherently phallocentric and heteronormative but also is a significant part of sexual dissatisfaction in long-term couples. Lots of permanent or long-term temporary things can make PiV difficult or impossible. But, couples that consider a broad range of acts to be sex, can still have great sex. Couples that only consider PiV to be sex, will have lost the ability to have “sex”.

  16. The government isn’t in the way of anything. If you understood basic civics, you’d realize that it just did the opposite. Take the pill, use a condom, get an IUD and read a civics book. Stop looking at murder as a form of birth control because you can’t be responsible.

  17. It is terrible that our rights are being taken away. Please make sure you vote as soon as you can and talk to your friends about it too.

  18. Agreed, but enjoy giving oral to each other more often. Consider it a phase if necessary. It’s a lot of fun to just do oral for a while.

  19. What will change when you move in together? Do you plan on moving to another state?

  20. You don’t say what state your from because depending on what state you live in abortion rules may not change at all. Most people are taking ruling (roe v wade) the wrong way all it does is return abortion to state control,
    Doesn’t mean you can’t get abortion just means the state makes the rules.

  21. >We also always use a condom but that doesn’t always work

    Condoms are not terribly reliable. Consider hormonal birth-control.

    >This is mainly just a rant because I’m tired of the government being in the way of my life.

    Government only exists to be in the way of people’s lives. If interference with your life bothers you, consider all the ways you have supported the government interfering with other people’s lives.

  22. Do you live in a state where abortion has been ban? Is he aware that RvW overturn didn’t make abortion illegal nationally? If not this seems rather silly…

  23. Vote. When elections for ANY position in your jurisdiction come up… VOTE.

    (I see your BF is 17 so… when you are of voting age, if you aren’t already… VOTE!!!!

  24. If your both minors then I don’t blame that guy at all and think it’s overall a pretty wise choice. However you can go to pp and get an implant that your parents don’t have to know anything about.

  25. I’ve been thinking the same way and I’m in canada.. the system is going backwards. It’s scary here because our medical system likes to use the usa as an example so. What happens there might just happen here

  26. Honestly he’s probably right, if you really want to have sex I’d say use a condom and get on the pill or an iud, but you can also have fun sexy time without the actual sex. I don’t think sex is about the actual intercourse, it can be about all of it too. And hey, waiting a lil while might make it fun. I also suggest tracking all the phases of your period cycle !

  27. I’m not at all arguing against what you should be allowed to do, but if that was your “plan b” you should’ve rethought your approach a while ago. An abortion is a surgery and it’s very hard on your body and emotions. Even if you have a more pro choice mentality, don’t underestimate the reality of actually going through that to the point that you use it as anything other than a dire last resort.

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