I never had a girlfriend until I was 25, and now I am 26. We are no longer together, but that’s neither here nor there.

I feel so clueless when it comes to dating. In a previous thread, I was expressing confusion about what one of my matches on Hinge wanted, and the general consensus seems to have been that she wanted to hookup. I haven’t dated that much, let alone had a hookup, so I feel like I failed a test I didn’t know I had to study for.

Basically, I’m concerned that I didn’t gain enough experience when I was younger to be a confident and desirable person to date, and I’m just stumbling my way through.

It’s the same with a job; how can I get a job, if I don’t have experience for a job, if no one will hire me because I don’t have experience?! (Edit: I **do** have a job, this is just a metaphor. Don’t take it literally)

I don’t think I’m asking for a particular piece of advice, I just need some reassurance that it’s not too late for me.

  1. You definitely didn’t miss the boat for dating. 26 is still young. Some people will care that you don’t have much experience while others either won’t or will prefer someone who isn’t super experienced because they may not be experienced as well.

    Personally, when I was dating, it was more important to me that the person was open, honest, and willing to learn when it came to a relationship than it was how much they’ve dated. Plenty of people have many relationships but still don’t actually know how to be in a healthy one.

    Like with most things, you’ll make some mistakes and then find your footing, and you can definitely talk to friends or Reddit or whoever to get feedback or ask questions or for advice.

  2. It’s most definitely not too late man. But you need to definitely take time to study dating to catch yourself up to speed with people’s experience. Just like you said, it’s a skill that you have to practice. There’s some girl named Marni on YouTube who gives insanely good advice. I’d start there

  3. No you’re fine man, still young with your entire life to figure this stuff out. I’m 30, single and just got laid off but it’s no sweat. One thing at a time though. Dating, practice makes perfect. Think of it like going out with a friend, seriously. Just try to be present and in the moment and have a conversation. That is all women want when they go out with a guy, and if it turns into a hookup that’s great. If not then who cares. I typically split any bill on the first date, so nobody feels owed something. The main thing is to just have fun.

    With employment, ask your friends if their companies are hiring. There are so many remote entry level tech jobs, just hop online and Google jobs near the city. You seem like a decent communicator, and that’s really all it takes to do anything in life. You’ll be fine, just do something. Don’t do nothing

  4. >It’s the same with a job; how can I get a job, if I don’t have experience for a job, if no one will hire me because I don’t have experience?!

    work shitty job duh, same rule apply to dating women. Lower your standard to get ego boost then move back up

  5. Take a few deep breaths! It’s ok man. You are prime time for dating and there is no rule book on how to catch all the cues. Have fun with it, have zero expectations, be respectful, get to know them, make them laugh and be a gentleman. You’ll do great. I’m 34 and still single. It has its moments where I literally feel like giving up but I’ve had moments where I feel like it couldn’t get any better but it’s life.

  6. It is not too late at all. Just make sure you know what you want when dating and don’t play games. You’re 26 life’s just getting started

  7. Not even close. You’re just getting started bro. Just stop standing around and get in the game

  8. Well I think 🤔 the The problem with your dating is you doubt yourself. The fact you asking reassurance here tells that you need other people to tell you that you are not late and You will find a girl some day. You should rather focus on yourself build yourself. The more you think about dating the more it will scare u. So just try to go with flow

  9. You’re just entering the prime of a guy’s dating life. Just keep taking the steps towards it

  10. Go watch some Gary V videos on YouTube. You’re young my guy. Make some mistakes learn from them. You’ll be fine.

  11. I started at 27. There is no boat to miss, it’s more like a jog. At first your not fit and it hard, you get tired really quickly. But then after doing for a while you get better at it, and it gets raiser. Sometimes you find someone else that jogs at the same speed, and gets tired at about the same time as you, and you jog with them for a while. Sometimes for a long while.

  12. I’m 31 and divorced and I thought I missed the boat. You’re still young and have so much time

  13. If you dont even have a job yet / some form of stable income, stop thinking about dating for now my guy.

  14. I’m 25, and I feel like I did. Especially with dating apps essentially being pre-approved markets for girls to pick hot guys, rather than it being socially acceptable for guys to approach IRL.

    So I’m taking the nuclear option. I’m moving to a trendy neighborhood in town, going to the gym, going to do some co-ed sports, get new pictures, just something. I have to make up for lost time.

  15. You’ve got another 10 years of experience coming your way, young Jedi, don’t quit before you’ve even started, come on.

  16. >It’s the same with a job; how can I get a job, if I don’t have experience for a job, if no one will hire me because I don’t have experience?!

    You go to school and get educated on the subject matter that the job entails

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