I have been chatting with this girl for a long time. We have been planning a date but we were never available at the same time or day since we live in different cities.

Finally, we went out last week. It was not a date really but more of a first encounter, so we can see each other for the first time since all we did, was phone calls and texts. I felt like it went well and liked her. We both talked about different topics, joked around, and shared some funny stories.

Later at night, I sent her a “Hello” text but she did not respond. I figured that she might be busy or something so I texted her the next day and told her that I enjoyed our time together and that we should go out next time. After 3 days, she still did not text back.

She had the habit to be online but not reading her texts sometimes.

Should I call her like casually like usual? Or wait until she texts back?

  1. Honestly I would think she lost interest after the first date.

    I would just move on.

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