Idk what else to title this but I worry a fucking lot and want some replacement things to think about. Anyone have any good mental games/ fantasies/ creative things they think about? looking to make my head a good place to be!

  1. * Think about how you’d go about creating order from chaos in some small part of your life

    * Go virtual grocery shopping in your head and imagine the meal you might prepare from those ingredients

    * Find a challenging riddle on /r/riddles and try to puzzle it out as you go about your day

  2. r/nootropics might be a cool option for you, if you’re into supplements/vitamins etc.

  3. I have a private Pinterest board that’s dedicated to the things/life I want, drawing and listening also takes my mind off things

  4. Instead of thinking, you need to become genuinely busy in your life focusing on your hobbies and goals, while interacting with other people on the side in real life. Find something you enjoy doing in life and keep doing that overtime. You will build much needed self esteem and self confidence. Chase excellence, not people.

  5. Learn to play the drums. Look up “drum rudiments”. Your hands need to do the work and your brain has to focus to do it right.

  6. Much less productive than the other replies, but what I do is I just think of a random superpower and make up scenarios in my head of what I’d do with them. You’d be shocked how entertaining that can be.

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