I’m going on a first date with this guy I met on tinder and i’m super nervous and anxious about not meeting his expectations… what should i do to make a good first impression and not be so stiff and anxious? any tips are welcome!

sorry for my english and thanks in advance! 🙂

  1. I think you should just be yourself (assuming you a genuine and a nice person). If he doesn’t like you the way you are, then you deserve better and go on other dates with people

  2. be kind to yourself in general, if he likes you he will like everything about you, including you being stiff and anxious on the first date. if he doesn’t, unless you were literally mean or something it has nothing to do with you. you’re just the way you are and it caters to some people, not all.

    the only general thing i can say about a positive first impression is smiling, but that is if he makes you smile😂
    sometimes u enjoy yourself but your face doesn’t show it so if ur body gets stiff or something maybe just control the face and hope for the best

    prioritize YOUR expectations and if HE will meet them! and be safe i hope u have a nice date!!

  3. guys are thrilled when they finally get a date, I’m sure it’ll be a good experience. If not, you won’t need to see him again.

  4. Make sure to shower before, and brush teeth, chew with mouth closed, don’t fart during the date, when ya meet say hi and smile, order actual food and actually eat some of your food (not the typical salad and eat only like 3 leaf’s of lettuce kind of thing), don’t drink too much alcohol, try to be off your phone the most you can, have a back up plan with a friend to call you just in case and most important have fun!. Have a good date!

  5. Someone already gave some good advice, so I’ll add this.

    Let someone know you’re on a date, so they can pick you up in case it doesn’t go as planned or in case something happens. Also let them know where the date is ahead of time and to promise to check in with them during the date or when it’s done so they know you’re safe.

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