What does your SO do that turns you on not on purpose?

  1. My husband works on the rigs (and looks the part – big, burly, tattoos, beard) but when he’s home with us, he’s very gentle. It gets me all hot and bothered when he uses his “Rig voice” on people and I get to listen in.

  2. Sadly, sometimes this brand of intimacy is often overlooked because it gets folded into sexual intimacy. But the two types of intimacy are not synonymous. “Physical intimacy is not inherently sexual,” says Dr. Fleming. Instead, it’s simply a type of intimacy that involves physical proximity and physical contact. Physical intimacy is built through actions like cuddling, hugging, hand-holding, back-rubbing, and lap-sitting. You can think about it as the kind of stuff someone whose primary love language is physical touch might seek out from a friend or family member.

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