It’s not all the time, only when he doesn’t have a full erection…problem is that is like 70% of the time. Every once in a while he gets these amazing rock hard erections that feel amazing! But most of the time, he’s not at full attention and he also loses his erection a lot during sex. That combined with the lack of diversity in our positioning has left the sex rather lacking…I can’t talk to him about this because he is not one for criticism, so any tips to make it better? Or do I just deal with it and keep using my toys?

  1. If he doesn’t like being criticized why don’t you tie a burger to a string and make him chase it around ?

  2. Well, for a relationship to evolve and improve over time, both people need to be able to communicate about it.

    If you say that isn’t an option with him then you have a couple of choices:
    – Accept that you will have lackluster sex as long as you’re with him

    – Tell him you’re not satisfied sexually and it will cause problems if nothing changes. Then things will either improve or they won’t.

    – …if things don’t improve you’re either accepting bad sex or using toys or breaking up.

    – You talk to him again, but if he shuts down you realize you’re in a relationship with a manchild who can’t look past his ego being hurt in order to improve his relationship. You break up with him and look for an adult who will listen to your needs and show effort. Two years later you wonder why you ever put up with bad sex and communication

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