How much is too much, how much is too little?

I (m) tend to pay for almost everything on a first date… and even though I sometimes never see those girls again its no big deal, I just see it as having an interesting experience most of the time. Last night was a bit different, because there was a cover fee before going to the venue. This meant I spent a bit more than I would usually on a first date, breaking my unwritten rule of not going too cheap, or too pricey. Anyway its wearing on my mind a bit, and I just wanted to share with the reddit community here. Sorry if my lack of frugality offends anyone, but I’ve found this dating stuff does cost, whether its going out to restaurants or on trips, or just meeting new people, it tends to cost both time and money… and I’m sure getting deeper into relationships costs a whole lot more! But its the experience that really makes it worth something, right? I love the experience, and while I may not get anything tangible from last nights date, like a souvenier or memento, and we might not end up together, I’m glad we shared a night of good vibes together.

  1. First dates should most of the times be cheap. Like cofee/drinks/snacks cheap or free like walk in the park, free activity.

  2. There is no too much or too little, it’s whatever your comfortable spending. Just don’t split it though as the guy!

  3. I usually spend hours chatting before the date, effort and energy to plan the date and hours at the date. The money spent on a first-date activity is insignificant compared to the time and effort. Im always happy to pay as it’s just not worth the unnecessary friction of figuring out who pays. I never mind if the other person is clearly putting in time and effort. If you both put in a similar amount of effort, time, and/or money, I think its worth it even if it does not work out. It is an opportunity to have good experiences and learn. If 1 person puts in a lot more than the other then it is a waste and should be avoided.

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