So I work in a supermarket and there’s this girl who worked on the checkouts (who has now since been transferred into Click&Collect). Her name is Lucy.

I’ve known Lucy for the last two years while I’ve worked here but she’s never shown any interest in me. She’s friendly in passing but nothing beyond that. About two months back she had this crush on this guy at our workplace widely regarded as very attractive, but he didn’t like her back. Anyway…

Lucy came into the deli yesterday to drop off a batch sheet for us. And then my smartass manager, Tiffany, decides she is going to start fucking with this woman. Tiffany starts talking shit and asking Lucy if she reads any of the messages I leave on the batch sheets for the girls in Click&Collect.

Tiffany asked this deliberately in a suggestive way. So despite it being complete nonsense, Lucy took it seriously…

>*”Oh, did he write down his number down for me or something haha?”*

I assume Lucy herself was half-joking herself when she said this purely to respond to something so left-of-field from my manager. But Tiffany starts giggling at the shit she has just embroiled me in.

I then explain to Lucy that Tiffany is just messing with her and that I didn’t actually write anything. To which Lucy responds with, *”Oh, haha… I probably shouldn’t accept numbers anyway… now that I’m technically a manager.”* And she walks off and I give Tiffany a glare. But I took this as Lucy trying to gently brush me off (just in case I was interested).

Anyway, I thought that was that. And I was glad it didn’t escalate into a potentially awkward situation for Lucy. But then I was in the tea room on my lunch break today talking to my friend Daniel. And that’s when Lucy appears and sits down at the table. And she interrupts our conversation to ask me specifically if I have a girlfriend.

>*”Do you have a girlfriend?…”*

I was taken aback slightly by the randomness and forwardness of what she was asking. So I teased her a little and asked why she was asking.

>*”Everyone says you have a girlfriend!”*

Everyone?… I inquire. But she wouldn’t elaborate.

>*”Just everyone says you have a girlfriend”*

(Okay). So I ask her how recently ‘everyone’ told her this because I currently am single. And she tells me fairly recently (within the last week). My mate Daniel bursts into laughter at the conspiracy this is quickly turning into. As apparently I now have a cohort of people secretly spreading the good word to people that I am in a happy relationship (despite this not being the case at all). Who would do such a thing?… And why.

Now both Daniel and myself are genuinely curious. So we both begin pressing Lucy on this but she gets all flustered. Eventually Daniel changes the subject and we go back to our prior conversation, as Lucy sits on her phone. A few other older staff members come into the tea room, and then Lucy, again, bizarrely brings up the topic of whether or not I have a girlfriend. Which I don’t understand why because I told her I was single the first time she asked… Then everyone in the room starts discussing my relationship status.

So I made a joke in front of everyone out of why she keeps on asking me if I have a girlfriend… And Lucy says something along the lines of how *”I am too old for her anyway.”* Which sounds to me like she’s expressing her disinterest in me. And then I had to duck out as my break was over. But now every time I walk past her she deliberately avoids eye contact with me as if she is unhappy with me (or as if something has happened).

Can somebody please explain to me what is going on with this girl?…

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