we’re 4 yrs in a long distance relationship and we just meet 1-3 times in a month. I want to create sex tapes that doesn’t show our faces so i have something to watch when i miss him.

Sometimes i give him hints by opening the cam of my phone and take loads of pictures while we’re naked but I’m afraid to tell him straight because what if he don’t likes it.

  1. “I really want to see what I look like when we have sex. What do you think about making a video?”

  2. Just say hey let’s try something new I wanna be able to have a private video of us just between you and me so I can re-watch it when I’m far away If you’re nervous to ask him just texted it makes things 1000 times easier

  3. If you go down this route:

    1) Think about masks to wear (on top of possibly digitally concealing your identities)

    2) Do a dry run (with no sex) of where you might be filming and watch the tape back CAREFULLY. Look to see if there is anything visible that would identify you or the room. People don’t always think about photos, posters, furniture, decorations, etc., that someone who knows you might recognize.

  4. I’d be surprised if a guy said no to this. But you already got some solid answers

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