We broke up 2 weeks ago, when first broke up I promised her I would change my way and wants to get back together, she said she will consider and then we stayed no contact after that, now a few days ago she contacted me asking me to deliver some things for her from my place, we ate dinner together, and I asked if she has thought about getting back together, she told me if I’m serious I should chase her back and now we see each other once a week. To show her how serious I am, I invited her to go travel with me and I offered to pay for the whole trip but she declined, and when I try to ask her for dinner more than once a week, she says she doesn’t want to meet too often.
I don’t know how to show her how serious I am, help! Will buying her gift help?

TL;DR We broke up, I promised to change, she wants to casual dating me again, and wants me to chase her back. What should I do?

  1. Does this sound like something a rational, mature, grounded individual would do? Give mixed messages, ask you to put in effort for little reward, say you want one thing and do another? If you think this is a good woman for you or that she’s worth pursuing, well… I guess you’re one of those people that the expression ‘there’s a sucker born every day’ is made for. I’m intentionally being harsh cause you gotta grow a backbone and self-respect/dignity.

  2. This is exhausting. She is punishing you, you know. Do you really want to play game? There is no rule. She can change the rules anytime she wants and you will always lose.

    Just apologise. Tell her you have some growing up to do and that’s it.

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