I love my girlfriend & the sex we have is astounding, but as of lately, whenever I let her ride me she always refuses to get off when I tell her I’m about to cum. What’s with this??

I’ve talked to her about this multiple times now & I’m always respectful when I bring it up to her but then whenever I let her on top again she does the same thing. I’ve lost count how many times I’ve came inside her because of this. She says its hard for her to get off because she “gets caught up in the moment” & “feels immensely connected with me”.

And I dont want to “just throw her off of me” because I’m very strong & 2x the size of her so I don’t want to accidentally hurt her. I also don’t want to believe shes trying to “baby trap” me as we are both very young, both 21. And both actively pursuing our careers & we’ve had the baby talk and shes agreed with me she wants to wait until we get married & leave the state we’re currently in.

How would you guys go about resolving this? Do I just stop letting her get on top? All answers much appreciated.

Thanks for reading

  1. Youvreqlly should push her off if she refuses. It’s technically emotional abuse. The best thing you cam do would be to have an extremely serious conversation about it

  2. Definitely seems like some anterior motive she has. Is she on birth control? I do understand getting caught in the moment but being irresponsible is where the line has to be drawn. If you used condoms then you could happily cum inside and it wouldn’t be an issue

  3. Either push her off of you or tell her you’ll have to wear condoms or stop having sex altogether if she can’t respect your feelings about it.

  4. Sounds like she is getting inpatient. Maby she thinks that if she gets pregnant you will propose to her.
    Has she been asking or taking about marriage lately?

  5. “she “gets caught up in the moment” & “feels immensely connected with me”.” This is definitely a real thing. Wear a condom.

  6. Man, you’re spinning a wheel where the only prize is a baby if your bustin swimmers in your lady and she isn’t on any kind of bc.

  7. When you get close to finishing, act like your cramping and then switch up the position 😂

  8. She’s trying to trap you dude get out now or seriously talk to her and be firm about it

  9. Buddy!

    Protect yourself. Wear a condom and if that’s going to be an issue for her, do this:

    Literally, as you know you’re going to go, pull out. Literally lift her. Trust me you CAN and you won’t hurt her. Thrust with the hips upward, hold the waist and stiffen your arms. You’ll slip clean out.

    Bottom line, have the conversation, express your concern. Chat about it. Be respectful of her opinion. Stay safe and do what’s best for you. Nothing wrong with expressing what you’re worried about and what you want:

    If she cares about you she will understand. Communication is absolutely key

  10. Why would you want to propose to someone that is actively ignoring your repeated sexual preference and requests? Why would you want to propose to someone who may actively be trying to baby trap you?

    Sorry man. You need to stop having sex with her until you either have some form of birth control or she starts listening to you. I’m 2x the size of my wife, and in your shoes I’d have no qualms with tossing her off me gently if she ignored me. Or rolling over and pulling out myself.

    Regardless of politics or solutions, an unwanted pregnancy can drastically alter or ruin an otherwise good relationship. I’d suggest avoiding this road at all costs.

  11. You need to delete your whole text and say “we’re actively trying to concieve”

    Also…reverse this situation?

    How do you think the response would go if she told you not to come inside her but you didn’t listen and told her you were overcome with desire?

    What do you honestly think the general consensus would be? Now… I understand there is a size difference so you can literally hoosh her off you. So I suggest you wrap up until you’re ready to be a parent or you stop having sex.

    Plus… it takes weeks to get a positive test, you may already have been caught out. You are playing with fire OP .

  12. Idk how I haven’t seen this mentioned but simply put this is rape. Your girlfriend is a rapist.

    The fact that she’s going to get pregnant is worse.

    Don’t fuck people who don’t respect your boundaries. Get rid of her

  13. I missed the part where you said you were wearing a condom….? Oh yeah, because you werent. You’re just as careless as she is here. Put on a condom if you want to have sex. It’s that simple.

  14. She could be an absolutely wonderful person and whatnot, but my dude you’re playing a very dangerous game if she’s not on the pill or the shot. You gotta put on a condom if that’s gonna continue. Simple as that. What’s more concerning, she’s not respecting your boundaries and doing whatever she wants. Not a good thing. You’ve gotta lay down the law that she’s not getting on top unless you got a condom on

    Edit: Missing word

  15. You can withdraw consent at any time. If your partner does not comply that is rape. I’m sorry to tell you in this manner, but you’re being raped by your GF and she’s fully aware of what she’s doing (even if she doesn’t know the legal definition). Also, she’s definitely trying to baby trap you. Also, stop having unprotected sex with anyone other than a trusted monogamous partner who is on birth control (she fails two of those qualifications). You need to break up with her immediately and let her know it’s not ok to force yourself on someone or not take no for an answer sexually (because that’s rape).

  16. Honestly this is basically assault. Just because she can’t overpower you doesn’t mean she isn’t putting you in a situation where you feel powerless, and she’s going against explicit agreements.

    Even if you disagree with that, having a partner who doesn’t care enough about your boundaries to respect them because she got ‘carried away’, repeatedly, despite multiple talks, fucking sucks. She doesn’t respect you or care about your preferences, and is putting you in a position where you are going to get her pregnant and it is going to affect your life, for all of it.

    Use contraception, or break up with her.

  17. Dude, you are fucking around and you’re going to find out soon.

    Stop having unprotected sex if there’s not ANY form of birth control. Just don’t. Shouldn’t have to tell you that’s how babies happen. All it takes it it being when she’s ovulating or even just before because your swimmers can survive in there for a bit and y’all are having a kid.

    You need to seriously re-evaluate this relationship with her because what she’s doing is rape once you alert her to stop and she continues.

  18. Is she on bc? If not it sounds like she’s trying to make a baby. Or at least, doesn’t care if it happens or not.

  19. She’s trying to get pregnant .

    It’s not THAT hard to get off when you don’t want to be nutted in.

    Buy your own condoms and use those only. Do not let her touch them.

    You probably should break up if you gotta do all that tho .

  20. If she’s not on some form of birth control and you’re not using condoms, then it’s only a matter of time before she ends up pregnant no matter what position you’re fucking in.

  21. I don’t know how many times it’s been said that the pull out method isn’t a good idea

  22. There are already a few comments about how this is technically rape

    So I’m going to ask, why isn’t your girlfriend on birth control?

    There are plenty of women who love having their boyfriend cum in them but we use birth control to avoid pregnancy… what’s the issue?

  23. That’s assault dude, you guys need to have a conversation about this ASAP. I’m sorry that’s fucked up. On top of that, it really sounds like she’s trying to “trap” you with a baby you don’t want

  24. Slap yourself on the back of the head and get some birth control.

    Pull out method does not exist.

  25. Yeah, “lost in the moment” isn’t the excuse she seems to think it is. If your partner tells you to stop and you don’t, that’s called rape.

    Throw the whole girlfriend out.

  26. So, from reading through a few of your replies to responses, it looks like she wants marriage and babies and you guys are not using contraception.

    This isn’t a question of how to get her to jump off in time. Use contraception if you don’t want to get her pregnant. Simples 😉

  27. Could have just wrote “We are idiots” and it would have saved me some time reading all this.

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