What is the most “straight out of a movie” situation you’ve ever lived?

  1. Witnessing a attempted murder, giving my father in-law CPR , and the birth of my son… Obviously not all in one day..

  2. Accidentally catching someone I loved on a way home after we haven’t seen each other for a long time and then spending an evening just walking through town with the most beautiful sky imaginable. I swear till that moment I did not know that “knees shaking because of a pure joy” were a real thing

  3. So this happened 27 years ago. I’d been living with my boyfriend in Holland and I was moving back to the UK for various reasons, we weren’t splitting up as much as likely not to see each other for a long time. Bear in mind this was pre Internet, pre mobiles etc and where I was moving didn’t have a landline so there were promises to write but we knew it was the end.

    Anyway we loved each other but circumstances meant we’d be apart. We were both heart broken as he came with me to say goodbye. I was getting on a coach that would be taking me to London via a ferry.

    As we said our tearful heartfelt goodbyes the coach pulled up. For some reason I was the only one getting on, as I got on the Bonnie Tyler song Total Eclipse of the Heart started playing. Now coaches normally hang around for ages and so movie goodbyes never normally happen, but this one time as I sat down in the seat (at the very back which was weirdly empty as the coach was quite full) and turned around to wave the coach pulled off. The song was playing its broken hearted theme, I was waving to my lost love I’d likely never see again and he was crying and waving to me.

    Even in that moment it felt like a movie with the perfect song, the bus not hanging around, being on the back seat waving like something out of Call Me by Your Name. It was perfect and tragic all at once.

  4. I went to visit my boyfriend at work at closing time. He worked retail. It was raining pretty hard and his coworker was acting goofy with his umbrella, dancing around and putting on a funny little show for me.

    At the end of his dance he posed and then popped open the umbrella inside the store (which is obviously bad luck.) The bathroom ceiling caved in from the rain on the roof at that exact moment!!! The timing could not have been any better!

    As terrifying as it was to think about afterward how any of us could have been using the bathroom and possibly died (wires and water and ceiling tiles fallen everywhere), we were all laughing so hard! It felt like a movie for sure!

  5. walking through the cobblestones alleyways of Rome at night. To the right was an outdoor-seating restaurant with fairy lights, shrubbery, people clinking glasses and chatter; to the left, a man in a bowler hat singing and playing That’s Amore on piano. Street vendors, gelato places, Fiats and scooters all ahead. It felt like a scene out of every Italy based film I’ve ever seen.

  6. So I’m a biologist, and for a short time I worked on a sea turtle nesting beach for a NGO out of Costa Rica. Every hour we’d make a sweep of the beach, and then lay around and attempt to sneak in a nap in the roughly 30 minutes before the start of the next sweep. We do this in teams of 2-3. It’s remote, and usually absurdly quiet. Occasionally we’d see lights flashing up on the mountains further inland, and a couple of the more experienced team members would tell us those were drug smugglers signaling to each other. Nothing to worry about, just mind your business.

    So one night we’re laying there, the other two are out cold and I’m just stargazing. I hear whispering, then footsteps, then something that sounds like metal on metal and the next thing I know there are several flashlights trained on us, and someone is barking orders in Spanish. We’re obviously confused, bleary-eyed, but by this point everyone’s awake. A man dressed more like a soldier than a cop steps forward and starts asking us questions: what we’re doing, where we’re from, what’s in our bags. It quickly becomes clear that they’re searching for a group of three people reportedly passing through the area on the same night smuggling cocaine (he called it “gasolina”). Aaaand we weren’t all that far from the border, so they seemed rather enthusiastic.

    We present our passports, permits, and the like, answer some questions. It didn’t take them long to figure out that the two Americans and a Brit, just a bunch of confused hippy conservationists, were not in fact the two Mexicans and a Guatemalan with cartel ties they were searching for. By the time the sun was rising, they were smiling and asking us if we’d ever visited NYC, met a celebrity, if they could practice their English with us, as if nothing had happened.

  7. Talking to my dad for the first time. It felt like something straight out of soap opera.

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