My SO wants to do a traditional school girl role play. I have never done role play before and don’t really know what I’m supposed to say? Or how to start the process without being corny . Please help lol

  1. There’s nothing wrong with being corny, especially if it’s your first attempt. You’re probably both going to stutter and stumble while trying to figure out what to say and it’s going to be awkward. At least if you’re anything like I am.

    But the important thing is to just try to remember that it’s something your partner has an interest in doing with you. It’s going to be hard for you to screw up because pretty much whatever you do, they’re probably going to find it hot because it’s you doing it.

    So if you screw something up, at least you can both laugh and move on from it, and maybe the next thing you say can be a super sexy bombshell

  2. This one is a common one my partner and I do. Just try to put yourself in the shoes of the character you want to play. Try to be yourself but in that situation you’re role playing. Don’t worry about sounding corny if you are both enjoying it. Sometimes I say corny stuff but it still drives my partner wild. Remember that it’s supposed be fun! 😏

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