I met a guy at a party and we were so attracted to each other, we ended up just walking around my place after the party. We had a great time and he wanted to come up but I said it was too soon and also too late in the evening. We saw each other next day for dinner and after dinner we hung out in the parking lot till 1am. We kissed, hugged, held hands, talked about all sorts of things. We both didn’t wanna go home and just stay in that moment forever. After that he didn’t text me so I texted him casually. After that conversation died I texted him again next day but just short responses. I hate that something so beautiful that I rarely ever experience doesn’t lead to anything further and just die…

1 comment
  1. It’s all inside you. You felt all the things and he was just there. Just keep being you and try to have fun with the next guy. There’s always a next guy.

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