I am just properly getting started building a social life and a network. But, it still is no where near as vibrant as I want it to be. I haven’t been out much the past 2 weeks because my usual friends just don’t really want to go out that much. I start to lose momentum and just get lazy about going out; becoming more shut in and less talkative. How can I handle these socially dry periods? Should I just put myself in even more activities?

  1. Find simple ways to help someone to build the relationship with them, without being creepy. Use the quieter times to think of something that will really impress them. (I.e. a gift, erc.)

  2. I can seem like a downright autistic hermit if I don’t keep an eye on it myself. Luckily the solution to many social problems is one thing:

    Join the social communities of the crafts and skills groups available to me based on my pursuits. Show up every meeting for a few months, ask people what they are trying to do, tell them what your up to, that is all it takes.

    There are people pursuing mastery of 3/4ths of my crafts everywhere I have ever been (I have some niche crafts like [cyr wheel](https://youtu.be/iQmWYzLb368?t=12)) The consistent iterative interaction with the same people pursuing mastery of a shared craft solves quite a few issues.

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