Kids killed my sex life and relationship with my husband.When kids were born, my husband went into dad mode completely and everything he did had something to do with kids — choosing a restaurant, holiday, cinema, EVERYTHING was connected with kids. Whenever I wanted a small part of his attention he attacked me and said that I don’t want to spend time with kids. Its not like we aren’t having sex anymore but its like we are having it once in a month barely. We have 2 kids and they’re 4 and 2 years old. I just don’t know what to do.

  1. You’ll have to talk to him, explaining you’re still a couple as well as a family.

    I’m in the same boat, just 15 years on….

  2. Your kids didn’t ruin your sex life. Your *husband* ruined your sex life.

    You are going to have to talk to him about that.

  3. kids are guests in your house, but it’s you who he agreed to spend a lifetime with

    initiate a talk. you are still a couple

  4. Communicate to him that you feel put to the side, like you’re not a priority. You know your kids are important and need attention but you 2 need time for yourselves as a couple as well. Maybe suggest getting a baby sitter and go out just the 2 of you? Get a hotel ? Agree on one day of the week thats dedicated to just the 2 of you whether the kids are there or not

  5. I have 3 kids and love my wife as in the first day, don’t understand how but I still do.
    Talk to him, try therapy, kids should make you come closer and not falling apart.

    He is not behaving normally.

  6. I guess he only saw you as a broodmare. Now that he’s used you, he doesn’t care about you anymore.

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