I (F23) am sooo into this guy (M36). Oh yeah there’s also a little age gap between him and I but it honestly does not bother me that’s how much I like him. So we met at work I started late October last year and he was one of the first people I met here. And I noticed how his personality was very much mature and he was such a gentlemen you could just tell. So that attracted me to him right away also he is fine as hell so the looks definitely helped. We eat in the same break room everyday but im pretty shy if I don’t know someone well so I would just keep to myself and have lunch at my own table. He always would try to talk to me but I was intimidated bc of how much of a crush I had on this man so I just kept our conversations very short. He ended up asking my coworker about me and why I didn’t wanna talk to him so I felt bad and slowly started getting out of my shell and talking to him. We became friends after eating together everyday and it became very flirty not too long after haha we even started sitting at the same table. My crush on this man just kept developing and he would give me hella butterflies and I kept wondering if he was ever gonna make a move. He eventually asked my coworker again about me, and he told her he was into me but that I am really young and he was wondering if I wanted something casual for now since he just finished talking to someone else. But I finally got the clarity that the crush was mutual so I was on cloud 9. He had her give me his snapchat so we started talking on there as well. He started doing cute things like bringing my iced coffee buying me breakfast little cute things like that that definitely gave him major points bc he knows i loveee coffee and food haha. I guess I just don’t know what to do moving forward because I’ve never dated someone with a kid and it seems like things are going in the right direction with me and him. And also the age gap, I don’t mind but I think he does a little as he mentioned to my coworker he things i’m very young. Have any of you been in this situation? I like this guy so much at this point so idkkkk. Sorry this story might be all over the place 🤣

TL, DR- I(F23) have a little fling with my (M36) coworker and he has a kid.

  1. He is too old for you and you work together. This couldn’t be more inappropriate. A man his age that chases a woman your age is problematic. He’s in a completely different stage of life than you are. He also has a child that will come before you. You would not be first in his life.

  2. Dating a coworker is bad enough. But dating someone 13 years older than you with a kid? Nah fam.

  3. Well speaking from experience workplace romances are poison. Also, it sounds like he is looking for a FWB relationship.

  4. I think you’re getting a little ahead of yourself. He asked if you were down for something casual..that probably doesn’t Include meeting his child.

  5. This isn’t the guy for you! He’s way older than you, has a kid and is a coworker.

    If anything maybe he would be fun for a fling/fwb situation but I would not be dating each other. Too much opportunity for weirdness.

  6. Just from experience he isn’t gonna take you seriously baby doll. Sorry. But at least you’re young and childless.

  7. There are no guarantees in life. Just enjoy having time with him and don’t expect anything. You can see he has a lot of baggage. He has an ex wife, a child and it is probably complicated. As long as your eyes are open and that you are willing to take a backward step to put his child first, then there are no problems.

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