Bina Pills. Yay or Nay?

Have a big weekend planned with my partner and a friend and have always wanted to try something like Cialis to take it to the next level.

I’m 31 and apparently pharmacies don’t give to ubder 35s. Was recommended something called Bona Pills from a r18 shop. Wondering if anyone has any experience beofe I buy.


  1. Don’t take supplements they don’t work and are possibly dangerous. There’s no age limit on ED meds, talk to your doctor and get a prescription.

  2. Ya the OTC boner pills are not that great. Some do help with blood flow though. So I wouldn’t say useless I’d say limited results.

    There are vitamins and minerals we know help blood flow to the body in general. But excess of any nutrient in the body does not produce EXTRA results. Your body just gets rid of it

    But don’t expect fantastic results

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