I (M) have been thinking about going and buying a butt plug as I enjoy butt stuff but I’ve never tried a plug or dildo or anything. I live with my gf but I’d really prefer not to have to tell her about that. I’ve told her I enjoy butt stuff before and she’s fine with it but idk, it just seems a little awkward to bring into the house randomly after many years together. I know she would understand but at the same time I don’t want to bring it up if I don’t have to. What is the most discreet way I can do this? I’m a bit embarrassed about the whole thing tbh and also am a closeted bisexual, though I’ve never acted on that before (and tbh am very happy in my relationship currently so don’t feel the need to have to come out). Tbh I’d rather not have to physically go to an adult shop either but will if I have to.

  1. How far have you gone with “butt stuff” with your gf? Personally, if a guy was dating enjoyed that in the bedroom i wouldn’t t want it kept a secret from me. She seems willing to do it, just be honest.

  2. You can find butt toy sets for beginners, and surprise your girl with it, just be honest and upfront and ask her to explore, if she’s already been doing a few things for you then she’s likely gonna love taking it up a notch, just ask, if she sais no then go silo, don’t hide your kinks use them to grow closer with your partner

  3. I have been with my now wife for about 9 years and living together for about 8. After about a year or two of living together I finally opened up to her that I like anal play. I’m glad I did because since then she has given me some of the best orgasms of my life and helped me explore more of my body and what I like. If your gf is open minded (which it sounds like she is) I’d recommend trying to be more honest and open about anal play with her, it may really work out in your benefit.

  4. F that be yourself
    I love orgasms….period
    I have more toys than my wife.explore your body and have fun.

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