I (27M) am recently single and used to live with my parents until a few weeks ago when I bought a house. About 6 years ago an older woman moved into the house across the street from my parents and her grand daughter (26F) was staying with her part time while in college. The granddaughter is about my age, but I noticed that when I’d come home from work and she was already at her grandmom’s, she’d come out to her car to grab something from her car and walk back in as soon as I parked my truck. Almost as if she was waiting to run into me. I had a jealous girlfriend for the past few years so I never really tried holding a conversation. We never said anything more than “hi how are you” until covid hit and we were both leaving at the same time to get tested lol. I finally got her name and we talked for a little bit. She’s very friendly and easy to talk to. We became friends on fb and followed each other on instagram but never really talked a whole lot but became much more friendly. Found out that she actually went to high school with one of my buddies from college and he had nothing but nice things to say about her.

This past year we had another run in across the street from each other and she said “I see you just had a birthday, can I give you an Oreo cream puff that I made?” And I took it. Seemed a little more than just a friendly gesture to me but maybe I was overthinking it. But if I was dating a woman and she gave some guy I don’t know a little thing for his birthday I’d feel a little off. However I’m about 95% sure she has a boyfriend. She doesn’t post any pictures about having a boyfriend, and doesn’t have a relationship status, but I noticed that she posted a story of her and another guy in an aribnb on vacation bout a month or two ago. But whenever I post a story about me working on my house or something she seems to message me almost instantly after I post it. I can’t tell if she’s just a very friendly and outgoing person or if she is into me. So my question is: is my neighbor hitting on me or is she just and overly friendly person?

  1. Unfortunately you will never know unless you ask her. Next time you could make you could make some off-hand comment that her boyfriend must be pretty lucky if he’s getting those Oreo cream puffs whenever he wants

  2. Sounds like she’s flirting with you, which she could be doing whether or not she has a boyfriend. Vacation pics with another guy don’t always mean she’s taken, I’ve taken trips with groups of friends before and spent the day with a girl when there wasn’t anything going on.

    If you’re interested, ask her if she wants to grab a drink and see where it goes.

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