Should I send a text to my Crush??

So I’ve ( 20f ) liked this guy ( 20m ) for a while now but I didn’t make the first move. We follow each other on Instagram and he replied to my stories twice after that we continued to talk on another app. We have the same music taste so he suggested that we send each other one of our top songs every day , I have send the songs for like 3 days and he send his songs back and we talked for a while but yesterday I didn’t send one cause I wanted him to kind of start the conversation but he didn’t send one and I don’t think he’ll send one today too and now I don’t know what to do , I really want to talk to him but at the same time I don’t want to bother him.

I know this seems immature and stupid but I’m immature and stupid soo yeah :/

  1. You’re overthinking. Maybe send him two songs to make it even sweeter since you missed the other day. Maybe the extra song can have a bit of romantic meaning to the lyrics, if you think it’s well in range of his taste. Maybe it can be something you know he’ll absolutely love.

    But just send the text already.

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