I really want to know where women in general brush their hair. Is it like wherever you happen to be? In your room? Above the bathroom sink so you can pick it up and throw it out? Do you just brush it in your room and then vacuum the floor/carpet? If you just throw it out, do you do it in a trash can or a toilet? Etc…

  1. I haven’t brushed my hair in decades….it never gets tangled (straight Asian hair). I don’t even own a brush or comb 🤷🏻‍♀️

  2. Usually in the bathroom. Sometimes elsewhere if I’m walking around the house or rushing to get out. The only place that is off limits is the kitchen lol I don’t worry too much about the hair because not a lot falls out while brushing (my hair is pretty straight and doesn’t really get knots), my brush catches pretty much all of it, and I shed throughout the day anyway.

  3. I brush my hair near a trashcan so that the hairs that fall off wouldn’t be scattered everywhere.And still they are everywhere.

  4. In the bathroom in front of the vanity and mirror. I clean the hair from my brush and pick up any that fall to the floor. I have long, dark hair, so it’s easy to see and gather up. I toss it in the trash because it will absolutely clog the pipes otherwise. I also vacuum regularly because I do shed hairs around the house and it’s not great for the cats to leave it on the ground.

  5. Usually in my room in front of my vanity. I have wood floors so I usually quickly wipe a tissue to pick up any fallen loose hairs right away. Just try avoiding brushing your hair above carpet because it’ll be annoying to pick up.

  6. I don’t brush my hair because it’s wavy, i detangle in the shower, stick the hairs on the wall and when i get out of the shower i wipe them off and throw them in the trash

  7. I only brush my hair in the shower when it’s sopping wet and coated in conditioner. I’ve got some curl to my hair, so brushing it when it’s dry is a recipe for becoming a fuzzball

  8. Brush my hair in the shower, cuz its too curly to brush dry. I put the hair on the shower wall to keep it from plugging the drain, clean it off the wall and put it in the trash can after the shower.

    Sometimes I do minimal brushing while my hair is still wet outside the shower, which is in front of a mirror, usually the bathroom sink. My brush usually catches all the hair, and any that fall in the sink, I clean up and throw away.

  9. In the bathtub so I don’t make a mess in my bedroom. I have long waist length hair. The hairs that fall off are in a small confined area so easy clean up.

  10. I don’t brush my hair ever. It’s straight-ish and I only wash it a few times a week and it’s in a braid or knot most of the time. I’ll often undo and finger comb it and then throw out the strands or do it outside so they can just fly away.

  11. In my bathroom. I have sensory issues so if I don’t feel like vacuuming a just use a lint roller. Takes it right off the floor unlike a broom which it gets tangled in

  12. Don’t throw hair in the toilet! It will clog the pipes!

    I brush my hair wherever in my house. I pick up the hair that fell on the floor and throw it in the trash. I generally gather it up with my hands. I also pick out the hair stuck in my brush each time.

  13. My hair is curly, so I usually only brush it after a shower. I brush it anywhere but I have to be in front of the bathroom mirror if I’m putting it up.

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