The thing is: What do you consider cooking something, if you know barely to prepare some food. An example will be making sandwiches đŸ€Ł

Edit: Actually cooking/ preparing some food.

  1. What? Generally if I “cooked” something it means something had to be brought up to temperature. So boiled water for pasta or cooked meat. If that answers your question.

  2. You make sandwiches, you don’t cook them.

    Cooking implies the actual act of cooking food with heat.

  3. >the practice or skill of preparing food by combining, mixing, and heating ingredients.

  4. Cooking? I cooked chicken and vegetables for lettuce wraps tonight. Easy stir fry in a pan. But I still ‘cooked’ meat and vegetables. If I take prepared meat and cheese and apply it to bread in a stack I didn’t ‘cook’.

  5. I’d say heating up at least one raw ingredient until it is no longer raw.

    I wouldn’t consider microwaving a frozen dinner as “cooking”. Baking a tray of pre-cooked frozen food is where I consider the fence to be, where you could make the argument either way and it would seem reasonable.

  6. Making a grilled ham and cheese sandwich is cooking, a regular ham and cheese sandwich is not. It’s all about the application of heat. Without the heat, you’re making food, not cooking it.

    The only gray area I can think of would be things like microwave meals, where you heat it up, but it’s basically already cooked.

  7. What kind of sandwich? Breaded fried chicken? Lulled lork.

    Or ham and cheese cold cuts?

    You make sandwiches, you cook (apply heat to) food

  8. It depends on the sandwich, but I would still say “made a sandwich” instead of “made [insert sandwich that requires heat.]” Cooking requires heat being applied.

  9. I’ve been cooking stuff in pans and ovens since god was a small child. It’s not hard. You just gotta focus.

  10. Cook is used for preparing food with heat.

    Even with something you microwave you might say “I cooked it” but normally you say “I microwaved it.”

    Cooking implies using the stove top or a fire.

    If you use the oven you usually say baking but you might say “I cooked a meal” even if it was something baked in the oven.

  11. Cooking something requires Heat.

    It can be as simple as macaroni and cheese, tuna and noodles or if you really not feeling it just straight noodles with a little bit of salt and butter.

  12. Building a fire with oak wood. Letting it burn down to coals while marinating a pork loin. Then wrapping that loin in tin foil and placing it on a grate just above those coals and letting it slow roast to perfection while enjoying several beverages of your choice.

  13. If I am using heat I am cooking by definition.

    But that’s not the same as Cooking if you know what I mean.

  14. Cooking requires the use of heat to prepare food for eating. Making a sandwich in general is not cooking, though some sandwiches such as grilled cheese would be.

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