Men who sleep shirtless or naked — at what point in the morning do you put on clothes?

  1. When I have to. I don’t live in a sitcom, feeling like I have to be fully dressed in my house when no one that cares is watching.

  2. After I shower. I sleep in my undies. Wake up, throw my robe on in winter and start waking up. Have a shower, get dressed.

  3. if workday, I get out of bed straight into shower and put a shirt on after that

    if weekend, i usually don’t put a shirt on. if it’s cold enough for clothes I put on a hoodie. if it’s too warm for a hoodie it’s not cold enough for clothes.

  4. When I’m getting up for real. If I’m just going to the bathroom or whatever, the nakedness continues.

  5. Do I have to leave the house? I’ll put clothes on immediately before I leave. Do I get to stay home? Clothes probably aren’t coming on at all. Do I want to cook bacon? Maybe a 50/50 chance of throwing a shirt on.

  6. Eh. My wife doesn’t complain so I stay naked until I’ve gotta go outside usually. Sometimes I’ll put on my comfy shorts right around the time I eat breakfast so my bare butt isn’t sitting in the chair cause that’s a little weird feeling to me.

  7. I go shirtless all day unless people are coming over or I have to leave the house

  8. Ideally, never. Me and my wife walk around in less clothes. But if I have to interact with anyone throughout the day, before then. I suppose that’ll change when my kids get older, but for now I’m enjoying it.

  9. It’s the last thing I do before leaving the house, and the first thing I undo when I get back home. I really hate wearing clothes, especially in the hot, humid southern summers. A goal of mine is to eventually work from home selling small woodworking crafts so I don’t have to leave the house every day.

  10. Sometimes hours after waking up. Only thing forcing me to clothe is work or guests.

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