What do you do when you’re overthinking about your life and wondering if you’re making the right decisions?

  1. Cry. But then write everything down, take a break and go back to it so I can think about it logically, put it into perspective in a less emotional state.

  2. Put a sticky note on things that you’re proud to have. That way you get small reminders of where you’ve come from.

  3. I get panic attacks and stress about it untill my body goes into “ oh well, idgaf . Lets see what happens” mode.

  4. I make a list in my mind and debate with myself what are the pros and cons of each option on the list. Then come to the conclusion that even the worst that can happen isn’t that bad. Then I’m okay.

    Not to say this process is easy every time.

  5. I write it all out in my journal (aka my emotional vomit receptacle). It allows me to see the things that are going around in circles in my brain laid out clearly so I can stop feeling like my problems are getting bigger and bigger and harder to solve. Inevitable once I write it all out I realize there aren’t that many problems, or they’re not as big as my brain led me to believe. Even if I can’t come up with a solution or path to take while writing (and I often do), it at least gets it out of my head so I can stop thinking about it for the time being.

  6. I usually try and think of the situation as if my friend was telling m me about it. It’s easier for me to think i’m of things rationally when they’re not involving me.

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