Noticing a pattern, it’s why I stay to myself mostly and am quick to cut people off when they trigger my anxiety or if it genuinely feels like the right thing to do.
That fake passive aggressive smile in your face and keeping an arms length can be just as bad if not worse as someone being outright rude and nasty to you.

  1. Just treat them as you would like to be treated, if someone does something that you find unacceptable, let them know in a kind but firm way. If they don’t respond in a likewise manner, just keep away from them and stay civil. Sooner or later, hopefully, you will meet some good friends. Good luck, I hope this helps.

  2. I feel this way too. Sometimes to the point where I already cut that person off from speaking to me and yet I have never spoken to that person before. And no I am not scared of human contact or making any assumption about the people I already cut off it is just too energy consuming nowadays.

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