If you were chilling at home in just boxers/gym shorts and getting pizza delivered, would it be appropriate to open the door dressed like this? Why/why not?

  1. I’ve taken delivery in gym shorts plenty of times. I’d probably feel weird doing it in just boxers though, don’t necessary what to show off a bulge to the pizza guy lol

  2. Gym shorts yes, boxers no. I realize it’s pretty much the same amount of fabric but opening your door in your boxers to a high-school girl delivering your pizza is not a good look

  3. Boxers no, shorts yes. You gotta wear clothes dude, come on, the delivery driver should be able to feel comfortable at work. It’s not like you had no idea someone was gonna knock on your door, you summoned them there.

  4. Put a shirt on out of respect for the person who just drove to your house to give you food. If you are literally just in your boxers that’s gross. A shirt and gym shorts is the bare minimum

  5. No, I work at an apartment complex and this guy always does that. Its just kinda awkward

  6. Gym shorts. I’d probably throw on a button up shirt with one button on to keep my chest closed. Trust me, drivers have seen worse.

  7. Nah. kind of rude to do.

    Just throw on a t-shirt. Takes 15 seconds.

    If you’re in boxers then throw on some shorts too

    If you’re ordering food half naked you can just grab clothes and put them by the door so they’re ready when the driver knocks

  8. The decent thing to do is to put shorts and a shirt on, the 10 seconds it takes to get dressed won’t kill you and shows basic respect to another human being

  9. I live in an apartment so walking around in just boxers would probably get me evicted

  10. i almost never open my door with a shirt on, never seen a shirtless man before? well, im here to oblige

  11. No. Some guy in my building was walked outside in his boxers to pick up his contactless food delivery. I wish I had never seen that.

  12. Ok… moral relativism has gone too far.

    Have some decency, put on a fucking shirt. Nobody’s expecting Sunday best, but you can at least answer the door in something you’d grab the mail in.

  13. No I would at least throw a robe on, they’re going to have to be the ones to tip me if they want to see the show

  14. Look, it’s one thing if you weren’t expecting someone to come over, but you have to be a colossal twat to summon someone and then not put some clothes on.

  15. It’s ok as long as you tell them to ring the bell and set it on the outside table

  16. Shorts yes, but I would wager opening the door and wearing a makeshift toga would give them a good laugh for the night.

  17. at least wear some shorts…anyone of any age shouldn’t have to see you in your underwear while trying to do their job.

  18. Easy. Keep a silk Hugh Hefner robe by the door to throw on when the doorbell rings. Sexy and sophisticated.

  19. Shorts yeah, boxers no. Not trying to flash some poor kid delivering pizzas. Shirt is also necessary. But that’s just me.

  20. That’s why I always choose contactless delivery so I don’t ever have to worry about putting a shirt on

  21. I throw my bath robe on 2 minutes before they get here, for the same reason I don’t walk to my mailbox in just underwear. The only person that needs to witness grossness and slobbishnes is me

  22. Can’t speak for all men but I’d put pants/shorts and a t-shirt on.

    Why? Because it may cause the delivery guy some uncomfortable awkwardness. Or maybe not. But I’ll do my part at least.

  23. Always get dressed for a delivery. Even if you’ve been hanging around naked all day, at least throw on a robe for the 10 seconds it’ll take you to conduct your business

  24. Honestly when i was a delivery driver i didn’t care it’s your place as long as you gave me a fair tip and were respectful

  25. Generally if I’m actually speaking to someone OR it’s daylight and I gotta actually take a step outside on the porch to grab it if it’s dropped off I’d say definitely at least basketball shorts. Me personally I’d throw on a t shirt as well probably if I’m actually signing the receipt/tipping someone. You never know who the driver is gonna be and it’s just not in their job description to have to witness partial nudity haha, it’s just having some respect for someone’s work and all imo.

  26. Inappropriate. You’ve basically invited someone to your house so you have the obligation to answer the door in a clothed state.

  27. if you got the slut genes then embrace the slut geans. do what you got to do

  28. I used to deliver food and I couldn’t have cared less if the people ordering would have been butt naked. Customers could have been robots for all I cared. Do what pleases you folks.

  29. I used to deliver. Just shorts was perfectly fine. I didn’t care about how they dressed, just how well they tipped.

  30. As a person who delivered pizza for 10 years, I never gave a fuck what someone was wearing when they came to the door. Just have the money in hand so I don’t have to wait and we’re all good.

  31. It’s my house, so I will wear anything I want as long as I’m in my house.

  32. As a delivery driver it is disconcerting how many men believe it is appropriate to answer the door in nothing except tighty whiteys. I don’t want to see that. Sign here so I can start forgetting this encounter.

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