wow! ppl r so friendly on this sub. lol. anyways

My bf and i have been together for enough length of time. we r both in our 20s.

I give him plenty of high quality oral and he doesn’t return the favor. I like it when he does, sometimes, but it traumatizes me the most for some reason and makes me uncomfortable. Ultimately i wanna push thru it.

I also feel like my vag is gross bc of trauma, and TEMP disease i got from it. I also used to get a lot of UTIs but its under control now, so because I feel gross I don’t want to ask him.

Idk what 2 do.

  1. Don’t do something until you’re comfortable! Sex is something that should be enjoyable and you shouldn’t have to push through something when it comes to sex.

    I’m sure your vagina is not gross. And if your boyfriend were to judge you for the way it looks, then he’s not someone that you should want to be with in my opinion. Although most of the time, men don’t care about what it looks like and they don’t tend to notice the insecurities that we often tend to hyperfixate on

  2. Also communicate with him. Communication is the most important thing in relationship 🙂 This is especially true when it comes to your sex life. Make sure you are both comfortable

  3. If he doesn’t want to do it, he’s selfish IMO.

    Tbf, it depends what he looks like. If he’s hung and good looking – Think about the amount of girls he can have.
    1 for every day of the week. If so, he doesn’t need to care about Women’s pleasure.

    There’s always another guy who will. Especially small dick dudes.

  4. Stop giving him oral and tell him why.

    If he doesn’t want to thats his decision, but why give him oral then.

  5. This is a little confusing to be honest. I can’t tell if he just doesn’t want to do it, or if he is responding to you being traumatized when he does it and that makes him less inclined to do so. In any case I think you should talk to him about how you want him to do it more. In a perfect situation he’d love going down on you because it’s fun to do and he likes making you feel good, but things are rarely perfect so you might have to tell him when you want it if he isn’t going to initiate.

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