Alright, ok so I was friends with a girl for about 2 years. We were 99% just text friends. Hung out one time at the beginning. I played hard to get so to speak and used some red pill bullshit. Looking back, she was actually into me a lot. I tried to be aloof and wound up friend zoned for a good year plus. We had a very good repore, although only through texting. We spoke daily and had genuine affection towards each other. Similar moral values and such. We were for all intents and purposes besties. She liberally keeps no male friends. This is genuinely honest. She remained distant whenever I would guide conversation towards getting together. I made subtle advances and she was never receptive. Last week I decided to walk away from this “friend zone”. I told her that I wanted more and if she wasn’t in that place, then I had to move on. I told her If she changed her mind to reach out to me. She protested that I never made any effort towards expressing my feelings and intentions. That both our lives were busy and there was never any real attempt at serious discussion. I feel like she’s kinda correct. I had never been very straight forward. I think I messed up a good thing. We both left the last conversation with her wishing me a good life and I her. I don’t want to not be her friend. I already miss her. I would rather be her friend than not. Even though desiring her and being separated sucked. What am I supposed to do now. It’s not like I can just be “psyche! I was only kidding”. I’m kind of an idiot. I welcome all feedback. Call me names like simp or w.e. But maybe some genuine insight into my next move would be nice. Is this beyond repair?

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