What hobby or hobbies have you picked up to avoid therapy

  1. I’m actually not totally sure what is meant by your question. Is it: In lieu of therapy how else have you found a way to become centered? or is it: in an effort to completely avoid the topic of therapy how have you distracted yourself?

  2. Therapy was the best decision my mother ever strong armed me into after we had a stillbirth this year. I say this as a 38 year old man and father/guardian of 4.

  3. Beating the living shit out of inferior boxers and trash talking people on video games

  4. Working out most recently. Feeling much better 2 weeks in. Just chugging this weight gainer mix and working out at home. Keeps me in a good mood and I can already feel myself getting stronger I can do like 2x as many reps. It really helps your outlook on yourself simply by jusy proving to yourself that you can lift the thing a bunch.

  5. When you actually really need the therapy then there’s no hobby that could help you/ replace therapy

  6. I don’t game to avoid therapy, but I get out of gaming what therapy is designed to do (for non-traumatic events): give clarity of mind and perspective.

  7. Gardening & being a DM in D&D

    The gardening literally gives me control over life and in a fun and tasty way (I grow food)

    The D&D has currently given me a new group of friends who are kind and wonderful people AND a place to put out stories and let them interact with / break them

  8. Riding motorcycles and indulging my anger as a source of energy and motivation to prove them all wrong…or die in the attempt.

  9. Depends on what therapy you’re hoping to avoid; for example, I am avoiding therapy for my ADHD. This means I smoke copious amounts of weed, exercise, smoke lots more then play video games. Any time I have before going to work I’m sure to get extra faded. So I self medicate, I guess.

    That being said, I really like being in therapy. It’s usually a ‘why didn’t I do this before’ sort of thing. I should restart my meds/therapy. Truth is, I’m not happy avoiding therapy, and I know it. Damn bruh.

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