I just feel confused because they always reach out first. Offer dates and all. But after a while it’s all over. I feel like something they conquer or an itch they had to scratch 🙁

  1. If you’re like me, you may be hoping the next one is different. But boys are boys, and that about sums it up. Many will look at us like a trophy, or like you said, something to conquer. Every time you may feel like this one is good, but you have to gauge their interest and intentions. Sometimes it’s easy to tell. It’s in the way they talk to you, treat you, and look at you. I have yet to find any guy around here or around my age who is mature enough to want a serious relationship. Thought the last one was but I’m in the same boat as you

  2. Best advice I can offer is to look at yourself and change your standards. If you always find yourself in a upsetting situation, it’s more a sign that something needs to change with you. It’s not a bad thing just self reflection.

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