I did something silly the other day. I wont go into the details, you can probably fill in the blanks.

I need to find a discrete STD clinic in Mumbai. Ideally one that’s anonymous.

Can anyone suggest one? Yes, I did google it and I can see some near me, but recommendations from strangers on the internet are always better than google.

1 comment
  1. >I wont go into the details, you can probably fill in the blanks.

    We can. In fact “filling in the blanks” is one way of describing what we guess happened…

    >I need to find a discrete STD clinic in Mumbai.

    My last visit to Mumbai I spent looking to *contract* an STD — well, that was not the goal, of course, I was just trying to, you know, fill in some blanks, but an STD would not have been a surprise. I was without success, so I wish you better luck.

    As a mathematician and a pedant, I must point out that *discrete* means “separate; distinct; individual; non-continuous”. Discrete electronics; discrete functions. I imagine you are looking for a *discreet* clinic, one that won’t rat you out to your parents. There is a place in the center of town called DrSafeHands — never been there but it’s well-reviewed.

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