I’m a 5’4 , how am I supposed to find someone if most women arent under 5’0?

  1. It all depends on your presences, like do you want someone shorter if them not being shorter then 5’0 is problem?

  2. All right, let’s be real. All other things being equal, 5’4 as a man makes your dating life harder. Anyone who says otherwise is:

    – basing their world view on cute little anecdotes and would rather treat people as special individuals rather than acknowledging trends in preference (usually women)
    – successful short guys (specifically the ones that have a particular trait, usually combination of good face/body and naturally good personality) that lack a lot of self-awareness.

    But here’s what I don’t understand: why do you need to find a girl shorter than you? Are you only attracted to women shorter than you? Or are you afraid of being rejected if you pursue women taller than you?

  3. How is your body? My first boyfriend was maybe 5’6. I also dated a guy who was maybe between 5’4-5’6, but he had a very nice body. And he was cute in the face too. Short guys can get women, but getting/being in shape helps a lot. I do prefer taller men, but I wouldn’t mind dating a guy of average height or shorter, if he has other qualities I like.

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