what was your first crush like ?

  1. A devastating reminder that I will never be loved, same as every subsequent crush.

  2. A miserable fucking experience. But it teaches you about beeing turned down and how to handle it.

  3. Oh I remember her a bit.

    Jessica, taller blonde and colder personality. Never spoke to her lmao.

    Think she moved. I was a young boy in second grade lmao

  4. It wasn’t very realistic to think we would have ended up together, but there was a girl I went to summer camp with every year from 12-17 and those last three years we had summer flings. She is the one I’ve compared every girl to since and I’ve thought about her intermittently since and when she popped up in my dreams it often led to me thinking about what we had for hours at a time over the following 1-3 days.

    I hadn’t talked to her in five years, but (following a similar question here) I actually gave her a call this summer out of the blue. She didn’t pick up and had changed her number, but I ended up getting a hold of her (it may be unusual and I felt weird doing it, but I ended up getting in touch by calling her dad’s office and explaining the situation). Two days later, she texted me. We talked on the phone briefly two times and I flew her out to my ranch for the July 4th weekend. We ended up making it a kind of summer camp reunion as I had 4 of our other friends also show up. It was great to see her and to hear how everything was going for her. It was also good to see the rest of the crew, but they were more so there as insurance in case things weren’t as good as expected with her since 3 days with one person you haven’t seen in years is pretty intense. I plan to see her again next month. It should be interesting to see how I handle the situation as I have a GF of sorts who doesn’t know my crush was at the summer camp reunion and I need to make up my mind about whether to end that and start this or just keep doing what I’m doing.

  5. It was on my best friend. I’m gay, he’s straight. I never hit on him or got flirty. He had been my best friend since kindergarten. I was so scared that I was going to mess up our very long on going friendship. I was fully aware that he was straight and I never wanted to date or have a relationship with him, I just had those feelings. My secret was making me act off and he noticed. I had to be honest, we’re always honest with each other. I told him. I expected the worst, that he would be disgusted, that he would lash out and our friendship was over. He said that he was straight but continued on about how much he loves me as his best friend. He said things like, “I need you, I don’t have those types of feelings but I love you and need you. And hey, I’ve got you, I’ll be your wingman at gay bars.” That’s how good of a friend he is. Our end goal in life is for both of us to get very old and in a retirement home, and joust on electric scooters with walking canes as lances.

    Right now, we’re still best friends. I have a boyfriend, I’m also the gay friend who uses his gay status to easily talk to women and hook them up with my homie.

    TLDR: Had crush on straight best friend. Told him. He was cool about it. Both of us got passed it. I’m now his wingman, using my gay status to get close to women and set them up with him.

  6. I never had a crush on anyone before until I was a senior in high school. Which is incredibly late, considering most kids I went to school with started having sex when they were 12.

    But anyways, I was met with a bunch of feelings I’ve never felt before conflicting with years of women telling me my sexuality is evil.

    There was this girl I was very heavily and deeply infatuated with. She was a freshman though and I really hated myself for feeling the way I did about her. We shared the same 3rd period band class, so I saw her every day and spoke with her often enough. I just felt a kind of happiness being around her I haven’t really felt before. I just wanted to be around her a lot, so see her smile, to make her laugh, to hear her voice. It was nice.

    One time I asked her if she thinks I’m dateable from a woman’s perspective. She said yes, but when she asked why I blue screened.

    Before I graduated she told me that she was glad she got to know me, and that school was more enjoyable for her because of that. That she was going to miss me after I leave. I was always far to terrified to tell her how I felt because I knew she’d hate me for it.

  7. Hmmm. I immediately thought of the one who I had a crush on in highschool but realized my FIRST crush was a girl in 4th grade lol. She was definitely the prettiest girl in class and had shoulder length blonde hair and kinda stood with her arms like a t-rex. initially thought she was pretty but then we became friends in the “advanced math” class (ie we knew how to do long division or some such thing) so I thought it was cool that a girl was pretty and good at math (I know 4th grade thoughts are weird)…Sadly I moved a week after a mutual friend told me she had a crush on me too so I never got to ask her out.

    Funnily enough I ran into her dad about 15 years later and he remembered my name as someone who “made his daughter cry” and he was legitimately still mad about it. I was single at the time so I asked how she was doing in general and apparently I missed my shot, she had gotten engaged a couple of months prior.

  8. Long time ago it was a nurse I caught my eye on her the moment I was born

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