im hungry as hell and all my friends are asleep (summer and stuff sleeping in or on vacation) and i just want some ihop would it be weird to go there and just eat all alone in the corner or something like that

  1. Def go. Makes me think of Vive La French Toast. So damn good drenched in butter and syrup.

  2. If you want to, go. Who gives a shit. People who find that weird, are the ones who cant do it themselves.

  3. I go to the movies by myself sometimes and it’s actually a blast, I don’t have to entertain anybody but myself. Go for it homie, enjoy yourself

  4. The insecurity that caused the need to even ask this at all is what I’m more concerned about.

  5. Going alone to places is great. I do it sometimes… its peaceful and you enjoy the little things

  6. It’s only weird that you would go to ihop instead of Wafflehouse! Waffelhouse, Allstar special, also everyone in wafflehouse is either baked or drunk, so no one will gaf.

  7. There’s an IHOP a couple blocks from my apartment and I’m there at least a couple times monthly.

  8. When I was single and wanted alone time from dating, I would take myself out to dinner – fine dining places, cheap places, whatever. It was so liberating to wine and dine myself, I loved it.

  9. Nope. I used to be scared to eat alone too but then I had a situation where I had to eat alone and realised, that so many people do this. You gotta eat my friend

  10. It might feel awkward but do it!! Get used to being okay being alone, it’s important in life!

  11. I always like to eat alone. Take a book or play on your phone if you feel insecure. It’s actually liberating to be able to go places alone. Hugs to you!

  12. nope. i love having my own booth and spending alone time with myself

  13. Man, I went to IHop on a Sunday morning once. All alone. And they seated literally everyone else first even if they were there after me. Because they’ll get more $ from them than just me. I left after waiting for 40mins. I hope you have better luck than me!

  14. I go to restaurants alone all the time, especially for lunch. Whenever I’m in a certain town around lunch time I go and get a dozen oysters and tuna rolls

  15. Eating alone is awesome!! I do it all the time. The spinach and mushroom omelette is the best

  16. Deep down, you know the answer to this. You just want us to tell you it’s okay. Well, what if we tell you that it’s weird and not okay? You’ll be a suffering mess desperately craving for IHOP all because you overthought it too much.

    So ask yourself what it is that you want and value in life. Life’s too short to not do things just because you’re afraid of being “weird.” As long as you’re not hurting or burdening anybody, including yourself, do what you want to do.

    Is it weird to eat? It’s not. Some people would LOVE for a chance to eat by themselves at an IHOP. If they could afford it, this thought of whether it’s weird wouldn’t even pop up.

  17. eating alone is the best 🙂 bring headphones, spread your stuff out and catch up on a show

  18. Stop concerning yourself what other people think. remember most people are fucking dumb. who gives a shit what anyone thinks.

  19. I’ve been divorced for a few years. I eat alone every day. It’s okay to eat alone.

  20. Nothing weird about eating out alone sometimes. Many people must on lunch break from work or away on a business trip or whatever. You could also get it to go if you feel uncomfortable there alone.

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