I’m a childless 25f and I’m wondering what the expectations are for dating men who have children with another woman. Men what do you wish you could tell us?

  1. Stable life, affectionate relationship, wild sex.. The usual stuff.

    Also someone who could accept their past and accept their children to the family. This does not mean babysitter/mom or anything, just acceptance and caring. Loving someone elses child is never a must.

  2. Most likely if he is a wo[Man] Than he is just looking for more sexual utility and utility in general


    99% of people do not have a happy loving relationship

    Just utilitarian and mercantile… That sort of helps their base desires

  3. I’m in this category (M44) and have had the chat with my GF (31) who is childless. My two kids don’t need a mother because they already have one, what they do need is someone who will treat them well and be welcoming when they come over to visit (2 weekends a month and half their school holidays). She needs to understand that I do have extra responsibilities and priorities for at least the next 6-7 years until they become adults. She also has to accept that there may be occasional drama from my ex-wife since I don’t ever think she will accept that I could have found happiness with another woman.

    Fortunately I seem to have found a good one, a lady who appreciates that I try and be a good father and put my sons first. They’ve not met her yet, but when they do I expect them to be proper gentlemen and not act up in front of her.

  4. Same thing anyone wants. Compassion, loyalty, and honesty. Now with having kids they would want those qualities extended to the children as well.

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