Like, if you survey 100 Americans, how many do you think will say they have been to Hawaii?

  1. Common for westerners, but prohibitively far and expensive for easterners

  2. I’m guessing 2. While not as expensive and hard to get to as Europe, it’s getting close.

    There’s a lot of Americans that aren’t well traveled even by domestic standards due to lack of money or lack of interest. A relative in western Wisconsin, during his lifetime his travels were visiting the Twin Cities once or twice, and a trip to Milwaukee.

  3. Probably 5-10%. It’s expensive and far.
    edited to add-I’ve been a few times but most people I know have not been there.

  4. Definitely depends where in America. Although almost every one of my neighbors are surfers, they would most likely go somewhere else instead of Hawaii. Although they would most likely go at some point, it wouldn’t be their normal annual trip

  5. I think I know more Americans who have been to Jamaica or Mexico than Hawaii.

  6. Here in Tennessee it would be a once in a lifetime trip for many. Maybe a honeymoon. Much cheaper to go to the Caribbean.

  7. I have, and there were quite a few other tourists, which seemed to be the normal state of affairs. It’s hard to quantify that into a percentage of the population though.

  8. If you just pulled 100 random people from across the country, I’d be shocked if you ended up with a 2 digit number. Out here in the east it takes us longer to get there than Europe. If you’re in the mood for tropical islands, the Keys and the Caribbean are way closer and way less expensive from where we’re at.

    I’d imagine it’s somewhat more common out west but that’s still like a 6-7 hour flight for them.

  9. Pretty common for those of us that live in the west in my opinion. I live in Vegas and it feels like everyone has been to Hawaii here.

  10. I’m from California so it’s extremely common here. But I’ve also lived in the Midwest and the South and not so common there. Depends where you’re at.

  11. I’d say most middle class people where I grew up and live (Bay Area) have been to Hawaii

    I went twice as a kid and have been there 6 times as an adult

  12. If I surveyed 100 Americans in my state, then 100% of them will say that they have been to Hawaii.

    If I surveyed 100 Americans in other states, then I wouldn’t be so lucky.

  13. It’s 12 flight hours from central Florida, plus the time difference. So it’s not all that common of a trip from here. Caribbean, Mexico , central and South America are much more likely. Especially with all of the cruise options available from either side of our state.

  14. Here in Oregon, it’s common to take vacations in Hawaii. I’ve been about a dozen times, myself, and most of the people I work with seem to have been there. It’s a nice way to get some sun in wintertime.

  15. I have been to Hawaii once in my 43 years when I was a child. Mom had a business/ family vacation thing there. Someone asked me what time it was. I was old enough to read the digits on the digital clock, but not old enough to know what they meant.

  16. It’s way cheaper to go to Caribbean islands than it is to go to Hawaii.

    Hawaii may be part of the U.S., but it is halfway to Japan for many Americans.

  17. Pretty common for West coasters. I could wake up in the morning, decide to go to Hawaii on a whim, and be there in time for a late lunch. Haven’t done it yet, but I think about it. Have actually been on planned trips multiple times. It’s a pretty quick and easy warm getaway from here.

  18. Really depends on where you live and income. It’s expensive. But I’ve been 5 or 6 times.

  19. I live on the west coast in a city with a high cost of living, and a few Navy bases. Sometimes I feel like I’m the only person here who hasn’t gone to Hawaii for vacation and/or been stationed there for the military.

  20. Pretty rare. It’s a 10.5 hour flight that costs about a grand (if not more). Probably more common for those on the west coast.

  21. I live in Florida and have been to Hawaii several times. I know a lot of people, but I only know 3 that have been there other than the family members that have been there with me.

  22. I’ve been and know quite a few people who have been there as well. It’s a pretty popular honeymoon destination and a lot of military people cycle through there as well. I’d estimate that maybe 20% of Americans have been to Hawaii at some point.

  23. Not common. It’s a big trip for most people. Both expensive and time-consuming. For example, if I were to fly to London, it would take 3 hours less in the air and half as much money compared to me flying to Honolulu. People in my area tend to go to the Caribbean if they want a tropical island trip.

  24. Pretty common for Californians, I’d guess like 15% of Californians have been. It’s a 5-6 hour direct flight, which is about the same time as flying to the East Coast. I went for the first time right before the pandemic and loved it, I’ll be back soon.

  25. If someone told me they were going on vacation to Hawaii I wouldn’t be surprised, but I can’t think of anyone I know who actually has.

  26. Around 6.7 million Americans go to Hawaii as tourists annually. Assuming no repeats it would take 50 years for all Americans to go to Hawaii. Its a top tourism destination but its so much more important than say the Caribbean (which is probably cheaper for most people)

  27. I’ve been once. My wife has been once. Our son has been twice (once with me, once with mom).

    That said…

    I suspect the number is much higher than one would expect simply due to the massive military presence there. Lots of sailors/soldiers/airmen pass through there even if only for a weekend while on their way to some other base in the Pacific.

    I’ll go with 10-15%

  28. I know VERY few people who have been to Hawaii for simply leisure and not military/visiting someone in the military.

    People on the East coast are more likely to go to the Caribbean. Bahamas, Jamaica, etc are pretty common vacation spots for people I know.

  29. I see it kinda like a trip to Disney, you’ve got the people who never go, the people who it’s a once in a lifetime trip, and the people who it’s a regular vacation. Based on people I know, I’d say those would be somewhere around 85%, 10%, and 5% respectively. Of course, that’s just my off the cuff guesstimate, who knows how accurate it is.

    My family would probably have been “never go” since my parents went before I was born, *but* we got to go because we entered a “win a free trip to Hawaii!” drawing at an open house. At the time, my dad said to my mom, “why bother, nobody ever actually wins those…” Yeah, sometimes, you actually win those!

  30. It a popular vacation here in the PNW. 6 hour direct flight-Paradise. I’ve been a handful of times. Carribean on the other hand, between the big time difference and flight changes, it’s not an easy trip.

  31. I can think of one family member who has been to Hawaii. I may have more, but I’ve never been myself.

  32. I went to 50 countries before I visited Hawaii for the first time (Honolulu in 2021, since most of the rest of the world was still locked down). Extremely beautiful place and Honolulu is one of my favorite cities now (and the fresh food is amazing), but it also cost a lot of money. I even cancelled the Kauai leg because the thought of paying $400 a day for a rental car was just too much.

  33. I’d call it one of the main three vacation locations for Americans. Hawaii, Caribbean, (especially the Bahamas) and of course, Florida.

  34. Pretty common for people on the West Coast as flights are between 5-6 hours depending on where you start from. For others, like East Coasters, not so much because the flight is SO long. Easier to go down to Florida or a little further to the Caribbean. Or to the Hamptons if you’re up high.

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