TLDR: I just want to know what to do if Im feeling jealous of my girlfriend and her friends

Just for some context, me and my Girlfriend (18F) have been together for almost a year now, and I’ve never considered myself as someone who gets jealous easily. I don’t have a lot of friends, and the one few I go out with are really only for drinks every 3-4 months. I’m also working full time from 8am – 6pm so I have a lot of my day taken up by work.

Lately she’s been going out a lot with her friends, which I dont mind at all, but I get really jealous with how often she goes with her friends a couple times a week, and I don’t really hang out with anyone else other than her. Even when I reach out to others, it just never works out. But I really wish I could be able to go out with some of my friends, or at least try to find new ones to go out with. I hate the fact that I work until 6 and can’t do anything with them since she and her friends go out in the afternoon. I mean she’s going out wakeboarding, drinking, going to the Rodeo, and the local festival we have, and I just hate that I haven’t been able to do that with anyone else. I feel like it’s such a stupid thing to be jealous over, but I just want what she and her friends have. Ive been trying to get out more myself, but again, I just wish I could have what she has with her friends, with mine. Different circumstances, but I just feel a lot of jealousy for something as little as this.

  1. Why can’t you go out after work?

    Cultivate hobbies and interests. Look for friends among people who share that.

  2. Working til 6 is nothing dude lol Thats like the bare minimum of a basic work day.

    Most people in decent paying jobs would be happy to leave at 6 every day.

    So your issue is that you are unhappy with your lack of friends. But you’re taking out your frustrations on your GF in the form of jealousy? Thats just really immature.

    I understand being unhappy about your lack of friends. Thats a very natural feeling that most of us have probably felt at some point in our lives.

    But whatever you do, dont take it out on her. Because if you do, you will push her away…and you’ll be with nobody.

  3. Does your girlfriend refuse to invite you to her outings? Or make any effort to include you?

    If she is making no effort to include you i completly understand the way you are feeling. She should want you there as well.

    My ex always did this. He never invited me to his parties or outings with friends or his family. I found out later he was talking badly about me behind my back to everyone in his life.

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