
I’m volunteering during this month of July, and there’s a girl my age that I like.

I have always been a very shy, introverted and socially anxious boy. Much of this was because I felt really bad about myself, I didn’t like it, I was disgusted. These last months I have been trying to overcome all this and well, little by little I am getting it. That is why in this volunteering I have begun to open up and I have met this girl. The problem is that I have never been in such a situation from what I have said, I am a newbie.

What happens is that on the way back home we catch the train at the same station, so every day when we finish we walk 10 minutes together alone there. As I say so far I have not started to have social relationships, this being the first with a girl (I’m a boy by the way).

The first few days we spent almost the entire journey in silence, I dedicated myself to simply asking basic things about her since I didn’t know her at all. She just dedicated herself to answering me and sometimes she returned the question. But i didn’t ask too many questions either so, for not bore her.

During these last days we have begun to talk more. Thanks to those little questions I have discovered a couple of common tastes and therefore we have had some topics to talk more about. And a few days ago she finally spoke to me. For the first time he brought up a topic without me saying anything

She is a posh girl, from a rich neighborhood, while I am just a middle-class boy, with no style or anything to stand out.

And that is why my great doubt is whether his way of behaving, so reserved, delicate and unemotional is because of:

1- It’s just like that, it’s his way of being

2- That is the normal attitude of a rich girl with someone not rich

3- She is not interested

There is little left to finish volunteering and the truth is that every day I like her more. As you may have deduced, I have never had a girlfriend or had a date so I don’t know what to do and how to do it.

So my questions are the following:

\-Do you think that with what I have described there is a possibility that I can attract her or am I just an idiot who wants to have chances with a girl out of his league/reach?

\-How do I ask to be with her? I have to say that I want to hang out with her or I have to say say that I want a date. I have to be direct, I don’t have to be direct… And these things

\-In case I meet with her, what do I have to do? What advice do you give me for a date/meeting with the girl I like?

If anyone has read this, thank you very much 🙂

  1. Ask her if she wants to go for a walk then when you’re on the walk, ask her personally there in the moment while you’re walking. It’ll be extra intrapersonal and she would love your angle on that.

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