Me 17(M) and 17(F) are gonna be at the same dinner tomorrow and I’m gonna need to make convo, she’s pretty cute but I only met her today so idk if I like her or not in that way.
Anyways, my entire life atm is centred around studying.. I basically don’t do anything interesting at the moment and don’t have an issue with it because it’s only gonna last till September/October when I finish school.
The issue is when it comes to socialising I have nothing to talk about.. the only thing I do once or twice a week is go ice skating for a bit to get some exercise done and I have a bench press at home with some dumbbells.

Im a pretty confident dude and know how to talk to women well but at the moment it’s just an issue of a lack of things to talk about.
We don’t do the same topics in school either and our school systems are completely different so that makes it hard to talk about that.

Bro Mabye I’m just overthink as usual… Help!!

  1. The thing is that the topics in of itself don’t matter when you talk to her – it’s the energy and vibe behind whatever you are talking about that matters.

    You have infinite things to talk about but you block the thoughts that pop up in your head because you think they are not cool or interesting enough to talk about.

    Let go of these filters – obv remain civil and don’t talk about retarded stuff but everything else goes.

    Also, if you like her then flirt a bit to see if she likes you back.

    If you are interested then I got a lot of support [from this book]( when I got back into the dating (was in a relationship for a long time.. kinda lucked out with a girl from school but didn’t have any other experiences).

    Helped me a lot in terms of keeping interactions going, flirting, asking for a date etc..

    Have fun!

  2. Talk to her about what she likes, ask about her, and then she’ll want to know about your hobbies. And gradually go from there.

  3. Ask her about what she wants to do after hs. What she does for fun. What she did last weekend.

  4. Interesting! So you study a lot and this girl you care about is coming to dinner and your mind thinks it needs to come up with interesting things to say! Tell me more…

    …. See how easy it is to make convo, .Just get curious about her the way you are curious about your studies. Ask questions. Tell her what you heard her say. Make respectful comments. Joke if the desire arises. Remark if there is something in common.

    The ego mind is putting too much pressure on you to be somebody and perform a certain way. Just relax. Shes a human being with thousands and thousands and thousands of days of experience rich in material to talk about and so are you. And 99% of the things you do every day are the same as her! And the world and universe will provide endless things to observe. So what is being said here is …. Relax! No need to plan! Trust the moment! Trust that words will arise.

    Stay present for this moment and let tomorrow take care of itself, always.

  5. Start with likes and dislikes and go from there. Your studies might interest her. Think of the coolest thing you have learned and share it!

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