Please bare with me (22F) *sigh*
Guy I’m interested in (26M) messaged me and said “I wanna see you so lmk when you are free” so I said “Aw okay, I’ll call you” on July 4. Few days passed and I didn’t call and on July 6, he asked to see me, I couldn’t and he brought up the phone call I never made. I told him I could see him this week closer to the end of it which we’re approaching, and he asked what I wanted to do and I said “Let’s go out for some sushi?”Well that was the end of it, the message hasn’t been opened and these convos took place on Insta DM’s.
It’s been a whole week where I haven’t had any signal from him.
I shouldn’t follow up right? I mean it’s obvious he’s on the app. If he contacts me let’s say even by tomorrow, do I approach it like I don’t even notice or be funny about it? I don’t have an interest in picking a fight at all even though I’m actually interested but it’s a bit inconsiderate. Thank you!!!!

  1. If you told him you were going to call and went a few days and didn’t bother to reach out. He’s taking that as your not interested

  2. So if you want something to happen, stake a claim. Go after it. Follow up. Triple text. Communicate that you want him to be clear with you. Do what needs to be done.

    But if you just think he’s cool but you’re indifferent to dating him, then you can play it cool. Try to make him work for it. Do whatever and if it happens, it happens.

    Communiation is tough. He may not think you’re that interested because took so long to message. Or he thinks you’re playing some game and is trying to play it back. And you’re trying to do the same with the “how do i approach it?”, just be yourself. Say what you feel.

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