I don’t know how to really talk to women so I wanna to change that so I don’t goof up and make myself look like an idiot

  1. Stop putting girls on a pedestal. Genuinely connect with them as you would with other people in real life e.g. ask how they are, their hobbies, interests, goals, opinions, etc. Listen and pay attention to what people say. Share those things about yourself when asked. People also subconsciously attach you to the value you bring. The value you bring is a clear, unique, and convincing reason why people will interact with you, let alone do so constantly. So Find ways to add value to their lives. Having In person interactions is the easiest way to stand out from countless people who text or message. People remember and favor in person interactions because of the positive vibes. If your hobbies, skills, talents align with their interests or can help them, bring it up and offer to help them. Finally, learn how to be genuinely busy in your life pursuing your goals and hobbies, while interacting with people on the side. People are hardwired to be repulsed by neediness and desperation and instead gravitate towards those who are self confident and well rounded in life. They want to see active confirmation of you actually doing something in your life other than just talking to them. So chase excellence, not people.

  2. Women aren’t a different species, try to forget their gender and treat them as individuals, as people. How do you speak with men?

  3. I would just give up. You’ll never be able to say the right thing. All that matters is having money and status and then it won’t matter what you say

  4. I don’t know what your goal is whether you want to date someone or not since this post is pretty vague, so I am going to assume you simply want to approach and talk to one.

    Please just treat them like normal human beings, just because they are women doesn’t make them special so there isn’t really any reason to set high standards when talking to one. Have a casual conversation with them, don’t try to make it seem obvious that you are trying to impress them. Talk to them like you talk to guys, women are just like anyone else regardless of gender, don’t put them in their own special category or else it will make them uncomfortable.

    Approach them from where they can see you, don’t sneak up on them otherwise you’re just going to scare them away or creep them out. Women are vulnerable and is likely careful to avoid anything they see as red flags, and appearing out of nowhere is usually one of them.

    I am going to leave the “get a hobby” type of advice out since I believe people who don’t have hobbies are just as capable of conversing as those with some. Think of anything random, whether it’s their outfit, something around you that reminds you of a memory, ask any question.

    And lastly but importantly, be genuine. Speak from what is on your mind and don’t lie. I don’t mean it like “be yourself” but rather wear your heart on your sleeve. If they ask your opinion on something, just be honest. Don’t lie and say you like something despite you clearly disliking it and vice versa. If you’re trying to befriend one, make those intentions clear and treat her like you would to a friend. If you are trying to sleep with one… Then… get it I guess? Though that really depends on the location, it would be weird to make your intentions seem like you want to fuck someone in a place like a library or some sort.

    Women are lot easier to talk to then you think, at least in my opinion.

  5. women are different from men, but just talk to them like they’re dudes for the most part

    if you genuinely have issues talking to women, start with women you’re not at all attracted to

  6. Best advice I can give is, don’t be afraid to fuck up – because you will, and everyone does from time to time. Not every time will go great and you just gotta learn to accept it, learn from it and move on.

  7. they are literally just humans and think like you in a lot of circumstances lol go with that as it sounds

  8. Just be yourself & talk to us the way you would want someone to talk to you. Be real and try not to put so much thought into it. We’re only human and respond to realness if that makes sense

  9. approach them with interest as another human. you dont need to think of her as a woman. just treat them like any other person you would treat respectfully

  10. The fact that you said goof up is actually rly cute and pretty much reassures that you should just be yourself!! The right lady will appreciate ur unique personality traits even if you feel like they’d be seen as weird. My bf of 6 years is unapologetically himself and says silly stuff like that and has a very very unique personality. I am in love with him bc of his uniqueness and the fact that he doesn’t change for anybody even if he knows he’ll be seen as weird, silly, awkward, or whatever. So just act like yourself!

    When it comes to conversation, don’t start by blatantly flirting. I always think I’d rly appreciate a guy that compliments my shoes or outfit or something, and then sparks up a conversation. I’d say pick up lines and such make women feel creeped out. If the person you’re talking to is rly going to end up being in your life as a gf or whatever, then you guys better get along as good friends. so just talk to women you have an interest in as a friend initially, and if you’re hitting it off, ease into asking them on a date or for their # or something! Good luck(-:

  11. Speak openly and listen as well. Ask about her and share about yourself. Start with likes and dislikes

  12. Start with self confidence and self trust. Then start small. Gain experience, recognize social cues and patterns. Know when a woman is engaged or wants you to go away. Always leave a woman an exit and always remain calm

  13. (We all use different strategies & mindsets but This is how I do it)

    How do I explain this?

    Women are imaginative creatures. What us men think is normal conversation is actually pretty boring for women.

    Let me preface real quick. For me personally I don’t cold approach unless I know she’s into me (gazing at me, smiling etc). When I speak to a girl, I approach it from an fantastical POV. I keep myself a mystery to her by giving her off the wall answers to her questions. If she asks my name, I tell her to guess my name or I tell her I cant say my name because she might be FBI & I have a lot of female FBI agents after me….if she asks where I live, I’ll say some answer like “why do you wanna know? You might try and stalk me…” (all with a smirk of course)

    The idea is to make it fun, don’t give straight answers, stay mysterious. Don’t be creepy about it though (you gotta have a certain vibe). My answers usually make them laugh & that’s enough to make them interested & even play along. It’s all about putting them in your frame.

    The thing to understand & remember is that women live for the fantasy & the drama. The moment you start being real with them is when you’ve lost them. I know it sounds like you have to “lie” to get them but that’s not it. The point is that your making the conversation fun without being too serious. She knows you’re bullshitting but she can’t help but laugh and play along. For her it’s about the emotion. Once you get her emotionally into it, it’s a wrap.

    And for Christ sake shut up & let her do most of the talking. Women love to talk. You listen….to a point. Then get her number & tell her you wanna continue the conversation later. Give her yours & tell her not to call before 10 because idk…your legion of fans stop calling at that time (I made that up on the fly). But see stupid responses like that make her laugh & make your sound interesting at the same time. You gotta be different from all the other dudes trying to talk to her. Most of them are coming at her straight with the same game give or take.

    All this sounds ridiculous because as men in general we are pretty straight up with each other. Normal conversation about cars and what we did last weekend is good enough for us. Why do I have to change it up when dealing with a female? Why do I have to say all this crazy stuff when talking to a woman? Men and women are wired differently & we communicate differently as well. Don’t ask me why, it just works.

  14. Depending on the day of week, ask them how their week has been/how was their weekend/do they have weekend plans. Ask follow up questions about what they did. How was is, did they like it…

    Ask if they are watching any good shows or reading any good books.

    If they tell you they have plans or are reading a book, the next time you see them ask them about it.

  15. Begin all interactions with a Woman by immediately launching into lengthy descriptions of the media you consume. Video games, TV shows, movies, etc., just say all the things you like at them. Whatever you do do not let the Woman speak, they think it’s totally hot when a man shows how strong and powerful he is by talking over them and never pausing to let them speak.

  16. All the “talk to them the same way you talk to men” are absolute bullshit, they are different, but you gotta ignore and accept the, most likely, rejection and go one to the next one.

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