We love our partners, they’re our soulmates. But what is/are the minor thing(s) they do that just annoys the shit out of you?

  1. I’ll go first. He sometimes talks too much during movies especially if he’s drinking too. His snoring sometimes keep me up at night (like right now…)

  2. Leaves his shoes *everywhere* and then tears through the house panicking when he can’t find them …
    Meanwhile the rest of us have all our shoes lined up in mudroom and know exactly where they are.

  3. Sleeping with him is miserable. When we move in together, we’re getting separate beds and/or bedrooms. He snores, hits, kicks, moves around every 10 minutes. I’m an *extremely* light sleeper and I have bad insomnia on top of it. Sleeping next to him is torture.

  4. He chews with his mouth open… ugh it’s sooo annoying haha especially when we’re on the phone, idk the sound is like amplified and I can’t deal with this

  5. I’ve asked him to please clear out the shed ahead of our big house move next week, I have been asking him for a couple of weeks now. Guess, ladies and gentlemen when he will actually clear out the shed lol

    Also, the reason he needs to do it because it’s his tools and stuff…plus I don’t fancy wrestling with the spiders in there!

  6. She storms around the house looking for her keys and they’re *always* left in the door

  7. Plays videos on his phone on max volume. It’s like an instant way to trigger me lol.

  8. He doesn’t give me his full attention when I’m talking sometimes so I always end up repeating myself 😵‍💫

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